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10 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Creativity as a Writer

Are you feeling stuck in a writing rut? Are you struggling to come up with new and exciting ideas for your next project? Here are 10…
10 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Creativity as a Writer
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

Are you feeling stuck in a writing rut? Are you struggling to come up with new and exciting ideas for your next project? Here are 10 surprising ways to boost your creativity as a writer and get your creative juices flowing again.


  1. Take a break from writing and do something completely different
  2. Practice mindfulness and meditation
  3. Try a new hobby or activity
  4. Take a walk outside and let nature inspire you
  5. Brainstorm with a group of writers
  6. Use writing prompts to jumpstart your imagination
  7. Try freewriting or stream-of-consciousness writing
  8. Experiment with different writing styles and formats
  9. Take a trip or go on an adventure
  10. Keep a journal to capture your thoughts and ideas


As a writer, it’s not uncommon to experience creative blocks or moments of writer’s block. But instead of getting frustrated and giving up, why not try some unexpected and unconventional methods to boost your creativity? From taking a break from writing to trying a new hobby, there are plenty of ways to get your imagination and inspiration flowing again.

1. Take a break from writing and do something completely different

Sometimes, the best way to jumpstart your creativity is to take a break from writing altogether. This doesn’t mean you have to stop writing altogether, but it does mean taking a step back and doing something completely different. This could be anything from going for a walk or a hike, to trying a new hobby or activity, to simply taking some time to relax and unwind. By taking a break from writing, you’ll be able to clear your head and come back to your writing with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

2. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Another way to boost your creativity as a writer is to practice mindfulness and meditation. These practices can help you clear your mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your focus and concentration. By regularly practicing mindfulness and meditation, you’ll be able to tap into your creativity in a more focused and deliberate way.

3. Try a new hobby or activity

Trying a new hobby or activity can also help boost your creativity as a writer. By stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new, you’ll be able to stimulate your brain and open yourself up to new experiences and ideas. This could be anything from taking a dance class or learning a new instrument, to trying a new form of exercise or outdoor activity. By trying something new, you’ll be able to expand your horizons and tap into your creativity in new and exciting ways.

4. Take a walk outside and let nature inspire you

Nature has a way of inspiring us in ways that we might not expect. Whether it’s the beauty of a sunset or the sounds of birds chirping in the trees, nature has a way of helping us relax and recharge. So if you’re feeling stuck and uninspired, try taking a walk outside and letting nature inspire you. Whether you go for a hike in the mountains or a stroll through your local park, nature has the power to rejuvenate and refresh your creative spirit.

5. Brainstorm with a group of writers

Another way to boost your creativity as a writer is to brainstorm with a group of other writers. By getting together with a group of like-minded individuals, you’ll be able to bounce ideas off of each other and come up with new and exciting ideas for your writing. This could be anything from discussing potential plot twists or character development, to sharing your writing challenges and struggles and brainstorming solutions together.

6. Use writing prompts to jumpstart your imagination

Writing prompts can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing and jumpstart your imagination. Whether you use a writing prompt generator online or create your own prompts, these exercises can help you come up with new and interesting ideas for your writing. By using writing prompts, you’ll be able to challenge yourself and think outside of the box, which can ultimately lead to more creative and engaging writing.

7. Try freewriting or stream-of-consciousness writing

Freewriting and stream-of-consciousness writing can also be helpful for boosting your creativity as a writer. By allowing yourself to write freely and without judgment, you’ll be able to tap into your subconscious and uncover new and interesting ideas. This type of writing can be a bit messy and disorganized, but it can also be incredibly freeing and liberating. So if you’re feeling stuck, try freewriting or stream-of-consciousness writing to get your creative juices flowing.

8. Experiment with different writing styles and formats

Experimenting with different writing styles and formats can also help boost your creativity as a writer. Whether you try writing in a new genre or using a different point of view, experimenting with different styles and formats can help you break out of your comfort zone and come up with new and exciting ideas for your writing. By trying something new and different, you’ll be able to stretch your creative muscles and come up with ideas and concepts that you might not have thought of before.

9. Take a trip or go on an adventure

Going on a trip or adventure can also be a great way to boost your creativity as a writer. By stepping out of your everyday routine and exploring new places, you’ll be able to open yourself up to new experiences and ideas. Whether you travel to a new city or country, or simply go on a road trip or camping trip, getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things can be incredibly inspiring and motivating.

10. Keep a journal to capture your thoughts and ideas

Finally, keeping a journal can be a great way to boost your creativity as a writer. By regularly writing down your thoughts and ideas, you’ll be able to capture your creative spark and build on it over time. Whether you use a physical journal or an electronic one, keeping a journal can help you organize your thoughts, stay focused, and come up with new and exciting ideas for your writing.

In conclusion, there are many ways to boost your creativity as a writer, from taking a break from writing to experimenting with different writing styles and formats. By trying out these tips and techniques, you’ll be able to break out of your creative rut and come up with new and exciting ideas for your writing. Be sure to follow WriterBites on Medium for more helpful tips and advice for writers.