3 min read

10 Surprising Ways to Skyrocket Your Medium Followers

Are you struggling to gain more followers on Medium? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As a writer on this platform, it can be difficult to…
10 Surprising Ways to Skyrocket Your Medium Followers
Photo by Aric Cheng on Unsplash

Are you struggling to gain more followers on Medium? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As a writer on this platform, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and gain the attention of potential readers.

But fear not! In this post, we’re sharing 10 surprising ways to skyrocket your followers on Medium. These strategies have been proven to work by some of the top writers on the platform and are guaranteed to help you grow your audience.


  1. Utilize hashtags
  2. Collaborate with other writers
  3. Promote your content on social media
  4. Engage with the Medium community
  5. Share your work on other platforms
  6. Write on popular topics
  7. Incorporate visuals into your posts
  8. Optimize your profile and bio
  9. Utilize the “clap” feature
  10. Consistently publish high-quality content

1. Utilize hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your posts on Medium. When you include relevant hashtags in your posts, it makes it easier for readers to discover your content and potentially follow you.

For example, if you write a post about productivity, you can include the hashtag #productivity in your post. This allows readers who are interested in this topic to easily find your post and potentially follow you.

2. Collaborate with other writers

Collaborating with other writers on Medium can be a great way to expand your reach and gain more followers. By guest posting on another writer’s publication or having them guest post on yours, you can introduce your content to a new audience.

Additionally, collaborating with other writers can also help to build relationships and strengthen your network on the platform. This can lead to more opportunities for growth and potential collaborations in the future.

3. Promote your content on social media

Promoting your content on social media is a great way to increase the visibility of your posts and gain more followers on Medium. By sharing your posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, you can introduce your content to a new audience and potentially gain new followers.

It’s important to note that when promoting your content on social media, it’s crucial to provide value and not just promote your own work. Engage with your followers and share other interesting articles and content in addition to your own.

4. Engage with the Medium community

One of the best ways to gain more followers on Medium is to engage with the community. This means commenting on other writers’ posts, clapping for their work, and participating in discussions on the platform.

By actively engaging with the community, you can increase your visibility and showcase your expertise on various topics. This can help to establish yourself as a thought leader on the platform and attract more followers.

5. Share your work on other platforms

In addition to promoting your content on social media, it can also be beneficial to share your work on other platforms. This could include sharing your posts on your personal blog or on other writing platforms like LinkedIn or Quora.

By sharing your work on a variety of platforms, you can increase the visibility of your content and gain more exposure to potential followers.

One of the most effective ways to gain more followers on Medium is to write on popular topics. This means staying up-to-date on the latest trends and writing about topics that are currently in demand.

7. Incorporate visuals into your posts

Incorporating visuals into your posts can make them more engaging and attractive to readers. This could include adding images, videos, or infographics to your posts to break up the text and make them more visually appealing.

By incorporating visuals, you can increase the likelihood of your posts being shared and attracting more followers on Medium.

8. Optimize your profile and bio

Your profile and bio are key elements in attracting followers on Medium. Make sure to include a professional profile picture and a compelling bio that showcases your expertise and areas of interest.

Additionally, it can be helpful to include links to your social media profiles and personal blog in your bio. This allows readers to easily connect with you on other platforms and potentially follow you on Medium.

9. Utilize the “clap” feature

The “clap” feature on Medium allows readers to show their appreciation for your work by clicking on the clap button. The more claps a post receives, the more visibility it has on the platform.

Encourage your readers to clap for your posts by including a call-to-action at the end of your articles. This can help to increase the visibility of your posts and potentially attract more followers.

10. Consistently publish high-quality content

One of the most important things to remember when trying to gain more followers on Medium is to consistently publish high-quality content. This means taking the time to research and write well-written and engaging articles that provide value to your readers.

By consistently publishing high-quality content, you can establish yourself as a thought leader on the platform and attract more followers who are interested in your expertise and insights.

In conclusion, gaining more followers on Medium can be challenging, but by implementing these 10 surprising strategies, you can skyrocket your audience and establish yourself as a top writer on the platform. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your followers grow!