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18th-century writing tools — a comprehensive guide

What writing was like in the 18th century? There were many changes and advancements that came with writing tools during this time period.
18th-century writing tools — a comprehensive guide
A pen, quill, and inkewell. Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash

What writing was like in the 18th century? There were many changes and advancements that came with writing tools during this time period.

What writing equipment did people use to write? They used pens, inkwells, quills (bird feathers), blotting paper, and sand shakers. Some of these items may be hard to imagine using today, but writing was very different in the 18th century.

Let’s take a look at the writing equipment used during this time period!

18th-century writing tools

- Pens were made out of quills or metal nibs that dipped into inkwells. The pens would need to be sharpened regularly by scraping off excess ink, which is why people often carried inkwells with them.

- Inkwells were made from a variety of materials, but often glass or ceramic. They would have a small hole in the lid so that the pen could be dipped into it. The inkwells would also sometimes have a small stand to keep them upright.

- Quills were taken from feathers of large birds, such as eagles or swans. They needed to be boiled and then cleaned before being used.

- The blotting paper was used to soak up excess ink after writing. This prevented smudging and allowed the writing to dry quickly.

- Sand shakers were used to help clean the quill pen tips between strokes. The sand would help remove any excess ink and make the writing appear neater.

The tools used for writing evolved throughout the 18th century. The sand shaker, for example, was first invented in 1717 and became more popular by the end of the century. This is likely because it helped produce neater writing. Other changes included new types of inks and the development of papermaking machines.

What kind of writing did people do back then?

The writing style and language were very different in the 18th century. The type of writing that was popular during this time period is often called “old-fashioned writing.”

It was used for letters, invitations, and other formal documents. There were many rules that needed to be followed when writing in this style, such as using capital letters and writing in a specific order.

The writing tools and equipment were suited for this type of writing. The quill pen was the most popular choice because it produced very neat writing. However, this style is no longer used today and has been replaced by modern writing styles.

So what can we learn from 18th-century writing tools? First, it’s important to remember that writing tools and equipment have evolved over time. What is popular today may not be tomorrow.

Second, the type of writing you produce is often determined by the writing tools you use. If you’re using a quill pen to write a letter, it’s going to look very different than if you’re using a modern writing utensil.

Finally, writing tools and equipment can help you create a specific writing style and tone that will be used when writing documents such as letters or formal invitations. Knowing what writing looks like in the 18th century is also helpful for knowing how to write today!

The writing tools used during the 18th century were very different from those we use today. They were more complicated to use and required more maintenance. However, they produced beautiful writing that still inspires us!


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