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4 kinds of paid writing gigs you probably overlooked

Let’s face it — making money as a writer can be tough. Words are our bread and butter, but sometimes it feels like we’re banging our heads…
4 kinds of paid writing gigs you probably overlooked
Photo by Igal Ness on Unsplash

Let’s face it — making money as a writer can be tough. Words are our bread and butter, but sometimes it feels like we’re banging our heads against a wall trying to find gigs.

You may want to land a flashy book deal, but that’s going to take a lot of time and effort — not to mention luck. In the meantime, here are four paid writing gigs you may have overlooked:

Writing for Upwork

Upwork is an incredibly popular website where people can hire freelancers from all over the world. If your schedule allows, it could be worth spending some time looking for clients on this site. Writing is a popular skill, so there are plenty of options out there.


- Writing for Upwork is a relatively quick and easy way to make some extra money.

- You can work on your own schedule — no need to worry about office politics or coming in early/late!


- Clients come and go quickly, so you’ll never know who exactly will hire you. Sometimes it’s hard to get in touch with clients who have already hired someone else.

- Writing for Upwork can be competitive, so you may need to offer your services at a lower price than you’re comfortable with.

- You’re not likely to make a lot of money writing for Upwork unless you become one of the top earners on the site.

Writing for Grant Proposals

Writing grants can be tedious, but it’s also incredibly rewarding — and the pay isn’t bad either! Many foundations have specific guidelines that they ask writers to follow when writing their proposals, which makes the process a little more difficult — but also ensures that you’re getting paid for your work.


- Writing for grants is a great way to beef up your resume and show off some of your writing skills.

- Grantwriting can be incredibly lucrative — you could make between $500-$1500 per proposal!


- Grants are not always easy to find, so it’s often difficult to dedicate enough time to this type of writing.

- Writing grants can be a bit time-consuming — you’ll have to do some research before getting started, and it may take longer than expected if the foundation has specific guidelines you need to follow.

- Like Upwork, grantwriting opportunities are competitive so you won’t always get your first choice of jobs.


Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive, concise, and interesting content for advertisements and other marketing materials. If you have a knack for words and are interested in fashion, beauty, or technology, copywriting could be a great option for you.


- Writing copy is a great way to improve your writing skills and get paid for it!

- You can work on your own schedule, so you have full control over how much money you make.


- Writing copy can be difficult — there’s no one right answer when it comes to making an ad more persuasive.

- It can be tough to find copywriting jobs, so you may need to start your own blog or website to attract potential clients.

- Copywriting rates vary widely — you could make anywhere from $25-$200 per hour!

Writing Scripts

YouTube scripts can be a great way to make money as a writer — especially if you have expertise in an area that’s relevant for the site, such as beauty or fashion. These scripts are usually very short and easy to write; it won’t take long at all!


- Writing YouTube scripts is a very quick and easy way to make some money.

- The pay is relatively good — you could earn $50-$100 for a three-minute script.


- Writing scripts can be repetitive and boring, so it’s not the best option if you’re looking for something stimulating.

- Writing scripts is a very competitive job, so you may need to lower your rates in order to get any jobs.


There are a lot of different types of paid writing gigs out there, and it can be tough to know which ones to focus on. We looked at four that you may have overlooked: Upwork, Grant Writing, Copywriting, and Writing for YouTube. Each of these types of writing has its own setups and downs — but if you’re looking to switch things up or need some extra cash in your pocket, they could be the perfect fit for you!