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7 Tips to Eliminate the Biggest Distraction for Writers: Social Media

If you’re a writer, social media can be your biggest distraction. It’s hard to focus on writing when there are constant notifications from…
7 Tips to Eliminate the Biggest Distraction for Writers: Social Media
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you’re a writer, social media can be your biggest distraction. It’s hard to focus on writing when there are constant notifications from Twitter or Instagram. In this post, we’ll share six tips that will help eliminate the biggest distraction for writers: social media!

Turn off notifications for social media apps.

If you can’t resist the temptation to check your social media accounts, turn off notifications so you’re not constantly being interrupted. This way, you can focus on writing without any distractions.

Why this works: When you work on writing, it’s important to keep your mind clear. You can’t do that if there are constantly new notifications popping up and distracting you.

Delete the accounts you no longer use.

If you have inactive or unused social media accounts, delete them! This will help declutter your online presence and make it easier to stay focused on writing.

Why this works: Social media accounts are typically easy to create, but they’re also easy to delete. There’s no reason why you should have social media platforms that you don’t use or need.

Set up a specific time to check your accounts, like once in the morning and once at night.

If checking your social media accounts becomes a habit, set aside specific times each day to do it. This way, you’ll be less likely to get distracted from writing.

Why this works: Instead of randomly checking your social media accounts multiple times a day, set aside specific time to do it. This way you’ll be less likely to get distracted from writing.

Unfollow anyone who doesn’t offer anything of value to you.

If you follow people on social media who don’t provide any valuable content, unfollow them! This will help you focus on the accounts that are worth your time.

Why this works: It can be easy to get sucked into the vortex of social media, but it’s important to focus on accounts that offer something valuable. If all you’re seeing is useless content, it’s time to unfollow those people.

Create an account specifically for sharing content with friends and family (and don’t log into it).

If you find yourself getting distracted by social media while writing, create a separate account just for sharing photos and updates with friends and family. That way, you won’t be tempted to login and check other accounts.

Why this works: When you have a specific account for sharing content with people you know and trust, it’s easier to resist the temptation to check other social media platforms.

Take breaks from using social media by turning off your phone or logging out of all apps.

If you feel like you’re spending too much time on social media, take a break! Turn off your phone or log out of all of your social media apps for a little while and focus on writing. You’ll be surprised at how much more productive you’ll be.

Why this works: Social media platforms are fun and addicting, but they can also be a huge distraction. It’s important to take breaks from social media in order to stay focused on writing.

Use a motivational tool to keep track of your progress.

A motivational tool or website can help you stay on track and hit your writing goals. We recommend using Writemo to set your writing goals and receive updates and reminders that keep you encouraged and on task.

Why this works: It can be easy to lose motivation while writing, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. A tool like Writemo helps keep track of your writing progress and reminds you why writing is important in the first place!

The bottom line

If you’re struggling with distractions while writing, try some of these tips to stay focused. It’s important to remember that everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another. So, find the techniques that work best for you and stick with them! And most importantly, enjoy the process!