2 min read

Can you make money by writing about mental health? (Yes, here’s how)

Mental health is a topic that is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. With more and more people struggling with mental health…
Can you make money by writing about mental health? (Yes, here’s how)
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Mental health is a topic that is becoming increasingly important in today’s world. With more and more people struggling with mental health issues, there is a growing demand for quality information and resources on the subject. As a result, many people are turning to the internet to find answers and support. And this presents an opportunity for writers to make money by writing about mental health.

The demand for mental health content

In recent years, the conversation around mental health has become more mainstream. More and more people are seeking information on mental health issues, and the internet has become a primary source of information. As a result, there is a growing demand for quality content on mental health, and this demand is only going to increase in the coming years.

Different ways to make money writing about mental health

There are many different ways to make money writing about mental health, including:

  • Writing for websites and blogs
  • Writing ebooks
  • Writing for online magazines and publications
  • Creating courses and workshops
  • Writing for mental health clinics and organizations
  • Writing for mental health apps and software

Writing for websites and blogs

One of the easiest ways to make money writing about mental health is by writing for websites and blogs. Many websites and blogs pay for quality content on mental health, and there are many opportunities for freelance writers to write for these sites. Some popular websites and blogs that publish mental health content include:

Writing ebooks

Another way to make money writing about mental health is by writing ebooks. Ebooks are a great way to reach a wide audience, and they can be sold on platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple’s iBooks Store. Ebooks on mental health can cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Understanding and managing anxiety
  • Coping with depression
  • Building resilience and emotional intelligence
  • Overcoming addiction
  • Improving relationships and communication skills

Writing for online magazines and publications

Online magazines and publications are another way to make money writing about mental health. Many online magazines and publications pay for quality content on mental health, and there are many opportunities for freelance writers to write for these sites. Some popular online magazines and publications that publish mental health content include:

Creating courses and workshops

If you have expertise in a specific area of mental health, you can also make money by creating courses and workshops. There are many platforms that allow you to create and sell courses, including:

Writing for mental health clinics and organizations

Mental health clinics and organizations also need quality content on mental health. You can offer your writing services to these organizations and write blog posts, brochures, and other materials that help educate and support people struggling with mental health issues.

Writing for mental health apps and software

Another way to make money writing about mental health is by writing for mental health apps and software. Many mental health apps and software companies are in need of quality content to educate and support their users. You can offer your writing services to these companies and write articles, blog posts, and other materials that help users understand and manage their mental health.


In conclusion, writing about mental health can be a lucrative and fulfilling career. With the growing demand for quality information on mental health, there are many opportunities for writers to make money by writing about this important subject. Whether you’re writing for websites and blogs, creating courses and workshops, or writing for mental health clinics and organizations, there are many ways to turn your passion for mental health into a profitable career.