2 min read

Can you really get blog followers from Snapchat? (No, it’s a waste of time)

Can you really get blog followers from Snapchat? (No, it’s a waste of time)
Photo by Scotty Turner on Unsplash

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that allows users to send snaps and chat with friends. With its unique features, like filters, lenses and geo-filters, it’s a great way to have fun and connect with others. However, when it comes to marketing and promoting a blog, Snapchat may not be the best platform. In this blog post, we will explore why Snapchat is not an effective tool for getting blog followers.

Limited reach

One of the main reasons why Snapchat is not an effective platform for promoting a blog is its limited reach. Snapchat is a platform that is primarily used by younger audiences, with most users being between the ages of 13 and 34. If your blog is focused on a different demographic, Snapchat may not be the best platform for reaching your target audience.

Additionally, Snapchat is not a platform that is designed for long-term engagement. Snaps disappear after 24 hours, which makes it difficult to build a following or promote your blog on the platform. While you can save snaps to your story, they will still only be available for 24 hours, which limits the impact they can have on your audience.

No search function

Another factor that makes Snapchat a poor choice for promoting a blog is the lack of a search function. Unlike other platforms, like Twitter and Instagram, Snapchat does not have a search bar that allows users to find content based on keywords or hashtags. This means that it’s difficult to find content on Snapchat, which makes it challenging to promote your blog to a wider audience.

No analytics

Snapchat does not provide any analytics or insights into how well your snaps are performing, making it difficult to determine the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. This lack of data makes it challenging to make informed decisions about your Snapchat strategy and adjust it to get better results.


In conclusion, Snapchat is not an effective platform for getting blog followers. Its limited reach, lack of a search function, and lack of analytics make it a poor choice for promoting a blog. While it may be a fun platform to use for personal use, it’s not worth the time and effort to try and promote your blog on Snapchat.

Instead, focus your marketing efforts on platforms that have a wider reach, like Twitter and Instagram, and use analytics to track your results and make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. With the right approach, you can grow your blog and reach your target audience more effectively.