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Enter The Writer’s Mind: A Three-Minute Ritual For Monday Mornings

It’s Monday morning and you’re feeling groggy. You know you need to write, but the words won’t come out right. How do we get into that…
Enter The Writer’s Mind: A Three-Minute Ritual For Monday Mornings
Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

It’s Monday morning and you’re feeling groggy. You know you need to write, but the words won’t come out right. How do we get into that writing headspace? This is a question I’ve been asked many times and the answer is simple: it takes time and practice.

While there are no shortcuts to success, there are things we can do every day that will help us stay in shape as writers — for example, my three-minute routine for Monday mornings!

In this post, I’ll show you how to start your week off with a bang by focusing on five essential elements of writing: planning your day before getting started; researching those topics you want to learn about; jotting down any ideas or thoughts from your previous writing session; reading something inspiring; and lastly, setting achievable goals for the day.

By following this routine, you’ll be able to jumpstart your creativity and get into the groove of writing. It may not seem like much, but these small changes can make a big difference in terms of your productivity and motivation. Look, Monday mornings are tough for just about everyone. So, if you can reclaim them for yourself, you can get a huge leg up and really turn some wasted time into something useful. Sure, a single Monday turned from stare-fest or hangover time into productivity city might not add up to much. But small things add up. The compound effect of doing one small thing every week for a year equals significant progress.

My three-minute mental routine for Monday morning writing

First, pause and take a mental breath. Clear your head and think about what you need to get done today. Write down three goals for the day in terms of writing, such as: read one article; write 500 words; work on an outline. Don’t do anything else. Just make sure you write them down.

Second, ponder what you want to look back on when Friday comes. Complete this sentence: “If I can say I finished ‘x,’ then I’ve had a good week.” Decide on one thing you want to accomplish. Write that down too.

The act of writing these things down can help you focus and be more productive throughout the week.

Third, at this point, I like to read something inspiring or motivating about writing or creativity in general. It keeps me motivated and inspired for the day ahead of me. Whether it’s a book excerpt on your blog post, an article by someone else, etc., give yourself some fuel for thought!

Finally, get to work. Start by reviewing your goals and then get to it. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! But if you keep at it, you’ll get there.

So there you have it: my three-minute routine for Monday morning writing! It’s simple but effective and can be tailored to your own needs. Give it a try and see how it works for you. And if you have any other tips or tricks, be sure to share them in the comments below!


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