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Examples of Kickass Blog Openings (and Why They Work)

Examples of Kickass Blog Openings (and Why They Work)
Photo by phyo min on Unsplash

When it comes to writing a blog post, the opening sentence can make or break your reader’s engagement. A strong opening will grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read on, while a weak opening will have them clicking away before they even finish the first paragraph. In this post, we’ll take a look at some examples of kickass blog openings and explore why they work so well.

“The secret to [achieving a specific goal] is [a surprising fact or statistic].”

This type of opening is great because it immediately piques the reader’s curiosity. By revealing a surprising fact or statistic, the reader is left wondering how the secret to achieving a specific goal is related. This type of opening can work well for a wide range of topics, from personal development to business strategy.

Example: “The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is not dieting, it’s building a healthy relationship with food.”

“I never thought I’d be [doing something unexpected].”

This type of opening is powerful because it creates an immediate connection with the reader. By sharing a personal experience, the writer is inviting the reader to relate to their story and join them on their journey. This type of opening works well for posts about personal growth, self-improvement, and overcoming obstacles.

Example: “I never thought I’d be hiking to the top of Mount Everest, but here I am at Base Camp, ready to take on the challenge.”

“Imagine [a specific scenario].”

This type of opening is effective because it invites the reader to visualize a specific scenario, making it easy for them to understand the topic of the post. This type of opening works well for posts about travel, business strategy, and personal development.

Example: “Imagine a world where every business is run like a startup, with a focus on innovation and continuous improvement.”

“Are you tired of [a specific problem]? Here’s how to [solve the problem].”

This type of opening is great because it speaks directly to the reader’s pain point and offers a solution. By addressing a specific problem, the writer is showing that they understand the reader’s struggles and are offering a way to help. This type of opening works well for posts about personal development, productivity, and self-improvement.

Example: “Are you tired of feeling stuck in your career? Here’s how to take control of your professional development and land your dream job.”

In conclusion, the opening of your blog post is crucial to grab the reader’s attention, and make them want to read on. These examples of kickass blog openings are great starting point to create an effective opening. Remember to focus on your reader’s pain points, and offer a solution that can help them.