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Examples of some terrible blog titles (How to write better ones)

When it comes to creating a blog post, the title is arguably the most important aspect of the post. It’s the first thing that readers will…
Examples of some terrible blog titles (How to write better ones)
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

When it comes to creating a blog post, the title is arguably the most important aspect of the post. It’s the first thing that readers will see, and it’s what will determine whether or not they click on the post to read more. Unfortunately, not all blog titles are created equal. Some are terrible and will turn readers off before they even get a chance to read the post. In this post, we’ll take a look at some examples of terrible blog titles and discuss how to write better ones.

Examples of terrible blog titles

  1. “5 Tips for Losing Weight” — This title is terrible because it’s not specific or interesting. It’s a topic that has been covered countless times before, and there’s nothing in the title that makes it stand out.
  2. “The Importance of SEO” — This title is terrible because it’s dry and boring. It doesn’t give readers any indication of what the post is about or why they should read it.
  3. “My Thoughts on the Latest iPhone” — This title is terrible because it’s not specific or interesting. It doesn’t tell readers anything about the post or why they should read it.
  4. “Why You Should Start a Blog” — This title is terrible because it’s not specific or interesting. It’s a topic that has been covered countless times before, and there’s nothing in the title that makes it stand out.
  5. “How to Make Money Online” — This title is terrible because it’s not specific or interesting. It’s a topic that has been covered countless times before, and there’s nothing in the title that makes it stand out.

How to write better blog titles

  1. Be Specific — Instead of writing a title like “5 Tips for Losing Weight,” write something like “5 Proven Strategies for Losing 20 Pounds in 30 Days.” This title is specific and tells readers what they can expect from the post.
  2. Be Interesting — Instead of writing a title like “The Importance of SEO,” write something like “The Top 10 SEO Hacks That Will Skyrocket Your Traffic.” This title is interesting and tells readers what they can expect from the post.
  3. Use Numbers — Numbers in titles are proven to be more engaging and increase the chances of readers clicking on the post. Instead of writing “Why You Should Start a Blog,” write “7 Reasons Why Starting a Blog is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make.”
  4. Use Power Words — Power words are words that evoke emotion and make the title more interesting. Examples of power words include “amazing,” “proven,” “best,” “ultimate,” and “ultimate.” Instead of writing “How to Make Money Online,” write “The Proven Method for Making $1000 a Month Online.”
  5. Be Unique — The title should be unique and stand out from others in the same niche. Instead of writing “My Thoughts on the Latest iPhone,” write “The Top 10 Features of the iPhone 12 That Will Blow Your Mind.”


The title of a blog post is the first thing that readers will see, and it’s what will determine whether or not they click on the post to read more. To write better blog titles, be specific, be interesting, use numbers, use power words, and be unique. Avoid writing titles that are dry, boring, and unspecific. With the right title, you’ll be able to increase the number of readers and engagement on your blog.