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Garbage-tier blog titles that make people scroll faster just to avoid your posts (and how to fix…

When it comes to creating content for your blog, the title is arguably the most important part. A compelling title can entice readers to…
Garbage-tier blog titles that make people scroll faster just to avoid your posts (and how to fix…
Photo by John Bussell on Unsplash

Garbage-tier blog titles that make people scroll faster just to avoid your posts (and how to fix them)

When it comes to creating content for your blog, the title is arguably the most important part. A compelling title can entice readers to click through and read your post, while a poorly written title can turn them off and make them scroll faster just to avoid it. Unfortunately, many bloggers make the mistake of using “garbage-tier” titles that do more harm than good. In this post, we’ll take a look at some common mistakes bloggers make when it comes to writing titles and how to fix them.

Problem 1: Clickbait titles

Clickbait titles are designed to grab attention by promising something sensational or unbelievable. They often use hyperbolic language and make grandiose claims that the post can’t possibly deliver on. While these types of titles may get clicks in the short-term, they ultimately lead to disappointment and frustration for readers who feel misled.

To fix this problem, make sure your title accurately reflects the content of the post and avoid using language that is overly sensational or unbelievable. Be honest and transparent with your readers and they will be more likely to trust and engage with your content in the long run.

Problem 2: Vague titles

Vague titles are those that are so general or unspecific that they don’t give readers any indication of what the post is about. These types of titles often leave readers confused or uninterested and may cause them to scroll past your post.

To fix this problem, be as specific as possible in your title and give readers a clear idea of what they can expect to learn or gain from reading your post. Use keywords and phrases that accurately describe the content of your post to help it show up in search results and grab the attention of readers.

Problem 3: Boring titles

Boring titles are those that are dry, uninteresting, or lack personality. These types of titles often fail to capture the attention of readers and may cause them to scroll past your post without a second thought.

To fix this problem, make sure your title is interesting and engaging. Use humor, puns, or clever wordplay to make your title stand out. Also, try to inject some personality into your titles so that they reflect your unique voice and style.


Creating compelling and effective titles for your blog posts is crucial if you want to attract and engage readers. By avoiding the common mistakes of using clickbait, vague, or boring titles, you can improve the chances of your posts being read and shared. Remember to be honest and specific in your titles, and don’t be afraid to inject some personality and creativity. Happy blogging!