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How Do Websites Make Money With Ads? (Explained)

Advertising is one of the most common ways for websites to make money. Whether it’s a small blog or a large e-commerce platform, ads can…
How Do Websites Make Money With Ads? (Explained)
Photo by Damiano Baschiera on Unsplash

Advertising is one of the most common ways for websites to make money. Whether it’s a small blog or a large e-commerce platform, ads can provide a steady stream of revenue for website owners. But how exactly do websites make money with ads? In this post, we’ll explain the different types of ads, how they work, and how website owners can monetize their traffic.

Types of Ads

There are several types of ads that websites can use to make money, including:

  • Display ads: These are the most common type of ads and are typically placed on a website’s sidebars, headers, or footers. They can be in the form of banners, buttons, or text links.
  • Pop-up ads: These ads appear in a new window or tab and are often used to promote a product or service. They can be annoying to users, so they are typically used sparingly.
  • Video ads: These ads are typically found on video streaming websites and are played before, during, or after a video. They can also be used on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • Native ads: These ads are designed to blend in with the content of a website, making them less intrusive than other types of ads. They often take the form of sponsored content, product reviews, or sponsored social media posts.

How Ads Work

Ads are typically sold through an ad network or an ad exchange. An ad network acts as a middleman between website owners and advertisers. They provide a platform for advertisers to buy ad space on a network of websites. Ad exchanges, on the other hand, are a marketplace where website owners can sell ad space directly to advertisers.

When an advertiser wants to place an ad on a website, they will typically bid on ad space through an ad network or ad exchange. The website owner will then choose the highest bidder, and the ad will be placed on their website.

Monetizing Traffic

To make money with ads, website owners need to have a significant amount of traffic. The more people who visit a website, the more opportunities there are to display ads. There are several ways to monetize traffic, including:

  • Cost per impression (CPM): This is a pricing model where website owners are paid for every 1,000 impressions (views) of an ad. The more views an ad gets, the more money the website owner will make.
  • Cost per click (CPC): This is a pricing model where website owners are paid for every click on an ad. The more clicks an ad gets, the more money the website owner will make.
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA): This is a pricing model where website owners are paid for every conversion (sale or lead) that an ad generates. The more conversions an ad gets, the more money the website owner will make.


Ads are a great way for website owners to make money, but it’s important to find the right balance between monetizing traffic and providing a good user experience. By understanding the different types of ads, how they work, and how to monetize traffic, website owners can make the most of their ad revenue.