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How to Create Believable Fiction Characters: Writing Tips and Tools You Can Use

Fiction writers are masters of deception. They create characters that seem so real, readers can’t help but be drawn in by their stories…
How to Create Believable Fiction Characters: Writing Tips and Tools You Can Use
Learning how to write characters correctly will greatly enhance the appeal of your writing.

Fiction writers are masters of deception. They create characters that seem so real, readers can’t help but be drawn in by their stories. Creating believable fiction characters is one of the most challenging aspects of writing, and is something writers often struggle with during the early stages of their careers. It’s not easy to make a character come alive on paper — they need depth, personality traits, backstory details…the list goes on and on! If you’re looking for some tips or tools to help you along your journey as a fiction writer then this blog post has got you covered!

Remember that writing a believable fiction character is one of the most important aspects of fiction writing, so it’s advisable to consult your critique partners or beta readers when in doubt about how believable you have made a character. You’ll be able to pick out the flaws in their story if they are not feeling connected with them!

When writers create characters that seem real on paper there is one element at play: authenticity. In order to create believable fiction characters, you first have to become comfortable with your own style. This means being true to yourself, and not trying to emulate the writing style of other writers. Only once you find your authentic voice can you start creating believable characters that will resonate with readers.

Also, don’t forget to practice, practice, practice! The more you write, the more you’ll be able to expand your writing muscles. The more developed a writer’s skills are, the easier it will become for them to create a believable character that readers can connect with and enjoy reading about. If you’re looking for a tool to help you practice, you can try using a writing motivation app like Writemo — more on that later.

Tips for creating believable fiction characters

Ok, without further ado, let’s look at some tips on how to create a believable fiction character.

Give your character flaws

The first step writers can take towards creating an authentic, real-feeling character is by giving them one or more flaw(s). A lot of writers think that by writing characters with flaws they will be seen as unsympathetic and make the reader not like their work. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Readers love to read about flawed characters because it makes them feel more connected with the story. In fact, writers should embrace their character’s flaws as a way of making them more believable and three-dimensional.

When creating a flaw for your character, think about something that is inherent in their personality — something they can’t help. Maybe they are always late, or they have a short temper. It’s important that the flaw is believable and doesn’t seem too contrived. If you’re having trouble coming up with a good flaw for your character, try brainstorming with your critique partners or beta readers to get some ideas.

Create backstory

One of the best ways to make your character feel real and three-dimensional is by giving them a backstory. This can be something that is revealed gradually as the story progresses, or it can be hinted at from the beginning. By providing readers with information about your character’s past, you are helping them to understand why they act the way they do in the present.

The backstory is also a great way to add depth and layers to your character. It can show readers that even though your character may seem perfect on the surface, they have their own struggles and demons that they are dealing with.

When creating a backstory for your character, make sure it is believable and fits in with the story you are telling. A writer can either create a backstory as a list of bullet points, or they can write an entire document about their character and what happened to them in the past.

Make sure you know what kind of personality you want to depict

Before you start writing, it is important to have a clear idea of the personality type you want your character to have. Do they come across as shy and introverted, or are they more outgoing and social? This will help you determine how they will react in different situations throughout the story.

It’s also important to be consistent with your character’s personality. If they are described as being very introverted, don’t make them act like an extrovert in the next scene. Consistency creates authenticity!

Using dialogue to help you create your character

One of the best ways writers can get a sense of their characters’ personalities is by writing out actual conversations between different people. You can do this with friends, family members, or even strangers you overhear talking on the bus. This will help you to get a sense of how people talk and what they say in different situations.

Not only is this a great way to get to know your character better, but it can also be helpful when it comes time to write dialogue. By knowing exactly what your character would say in a particular situation, you can avoid having them sound like a boring, two-dimensional caricature of themselves.

Give them goals and motivation

Characters without goals or motivation come across as flat and uninteresting. It’s important for writers to give their characters something to strive for, whether it is big or small. This will help to make them more believable and human.

In addition, a character’s goals and motivation can add tension and conflict to the story. If your protagonist wants to achieve something but is constantly thwarted by the antagonist, it will create an interesting dynamic that will keep readers engaged.

Make sure they are consistent

One of the biggest mistakes writers make is creating a character who is inconsistent with their personality, goals and motivations. If you decide to change something about your characters halfway through writing the story, it will feel forced and fake.

The best way writers can avoid this problem is by looking at each of their main characters as an individual before they even start writing. They should understand what makes them unique and how they react to different situations.

It’s also important writers consider their character’s past, motivation, personality, etc., before writing dialogue for them. This will help ensure that the characters are consistent throughout your story.

Write about what interests you

The best way writers can avoid creating flat or boring characters is by writing about things they are passionate about. When writers write what they know, their characters will come to life on the page and readers won’t be able to resist turning the next page!

For example, writers who are passionate about sports can use their knowledge to create characters that excel at the game. This will help them stand out from other writers, and also make it easier for readers to relate with them on a personal level. But it will also make it easier to create characters that are believable and authentic.

Avoid stereotypes or clichés

Stereotypes and clichés are some of the biggest turn-offs for readers, especially if they don’t fit with their story’s theme. By avoiding them it will make your characters more interesting to readers who may not have seen something like this before! At the same time, writers should always remember that they don’t have to invent everything from scratch. They can take inspiration or ideas from other writers, movies, etc., and use them as the starting point for their characters’ personalities!

Make your character three-dimensional

The most interesting characters are those who aren’t completely good or bad. When writers create multi-layered, three-dimensional characters they will stand out from other writers’ work.

Some of the most famous characters in literature, such as Sherlock Holmes or Superman, are complex and multi-faceted. Although they have some good qualities writers also include bad traits in order to make them feel more realistic.

Tools you can use to help you create realistic characters for your novel or short story

Have you considered using online tools to help you create better characters? There are a number of websites that allow writers to create detailed profiles for their characters, which can be helpful when it comes time to start writing your novel.

You can create stunning worlds populated by interesting characters if you invest the time in learning how to write them.

One such website is Character Sheets, which allows writers to input information about their character’s name, age, sex, occupation, etc. In addition, writers have the option to upload a picture of their character and write a brief biography. This website is ideal for writers who want to create detailed, fleshed-out characters for their novels.

Another great resource for writers is the Character Builder book and app, which was created by bestselling author James Scott Bell. This app contains over 400 different questions that help writers create well-rounded characters with unique personalities.

Lastly, as mentioned before, a tool like Writemo can help you stay motivated and keep you hitting “post” more often. This is often the hardest part for writers, and it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t feel inspired. But by using tools like these, writers can stay focused on their characters and the story they want to tell.


What is the best way writers can avoid creating flat or boring characters?

By writing about things they are passionate about. When writers write what they know, their character will come to life on the page and readers won’t be able to resist turning the next page!

What are some examples of famous characters in literature with complex personalities?

Sherlock Holmes or Superman are some of the most famous characters in literature who have complex personalities. Although they have some good qualities writers also include bad traits in order to make them feel more realistic.

Can writers take inspiration from other writers, movies, etc., when creating their characters?

Yes, writers can take inspiration or ideas from other writers, movies, etc., and use them as the starting point for their characters’ personalities.

How do writers creating multi-layered, three-dimensional characters help readers relate to them on a personal level?

Creating multi-layered, three-dimensional characters helps writers stand out from other writers’ work because they will be more interesting than writers who have created flat or boring characters.

Can writers use books or apps to help them create better characters?

Yes, writers can use books like the Character Builder book and app, which was created by bestselling author James Scott Bell. This app contains over 400 different questions that help writers create well-rounded characters with unique personalities. Lastly, using tools like Writemo can help writers stay motivated and keep writers hitting “post” more often.

Conclusion — Writing tips for creating believable characters

One of the most important things to do when you’re writing fiction is create realistic, multi-faceted characters that readers will enjoy getting to know better. This means avoiding flat or boring characters by developing interesting personalities that people can relate to. One way writers can do this is by writing about things they are passionate about and using tools like Writemo to stay motivated!

Your next steps

Now that you have a better understanding of how to create believable fiction characters, it’s time to start putting these tips into practice! Start by creating a character profile for one of your main characters, then begin writing a scene from your novel using their point of view. As you continue working on your novel, practice using these tips to make your characters stand out from the crowd.