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How to defeat writer’s block and get back to creating great content

Writer’s block can be detrimental to your writing because it can cause you to lose focus and motivation. It can also lead to a lack of…
How to defeat writer’s block and get back to creating great content
Writer’s block can be defeated — here are a few tips on how to do it!

How to defeat writer’s block — 8 ways to get back to creating great content

Writer’s block can be detrimental to your writing because it can cause you to lose focus and motivation. It can also lead to a lack of creativity and make it difficult to produce quality work. Writer’s block can also cause you to procrastinate, which can lead to deadline pressures and stress.

What is writer’s block? Writer’s block is a condition that affects writers of all genres, but it is most commonly associated with fiction writers. It can be described as an inability to produce new content or to continue writing on a project you have already started.

There are many reasons why someone might experience writer’s block, including lack of inspiration, perfectionism, fear of failure, self-doubt, and lack of motivation. The most important thing is to be patient and keep trying different strategies until you find one that works for you.

If you’re ready to start writing again, here are some tips on how to defeat writer’s block.

Start with a list of topics

One way to get around the blank page syndrome is to start by jotting down a list of ideas you want to write about. These should be topics that come naturally to you or are things you have previously blogged about in the past.

For example, if you write a blog about writing fiction, your list might include tips for writers, how to become a better writer and any other related topics.

Read over what you’ve written

It’s a good idea to read through everything you have already written before starting on the next paragraph or section of your blog post. This is an essential part of the writing process because it allows writers to make more objective decisions. It also helps writers identify any holes in their argument or missing information.

For example, you may find that you have written a paragraph on why writers should never wait for inspiration to write, but it would be helpful if the blog post also included tips on how writers can get over writer’s block.

Start with what is easiest

Once your initial brainstorming session has taken place, start writing up your first idea — even if it’s something very simple. This part of the process is often where writers get stuck because it can be difficult to begin writing about something new. So if you have an idea that comes naturally to you, or is already written down on paper somewhere — start with this one!

For example, if you want to write a blog post about the benefits of writing, start by listing some of the reasons why writers should write. This can be anything from improving your mental health to developing a better understanding of the world around you.

Take a break and do something else

You might find yourself unable to write about a particular topic, or you might feel like you’re stuck in a rut. If this is the case, take a break for five minutes and do something else — such as reading, listening to music, or taking a walk.

For example, some famous writers often find that their creative juices start flowing again after a short break. If this doesn’t seem to be happening, it might be time to try something else.

Create a mood board

If you’re having trouble getting into the right frame of mind for your writing project, try creating a mood board first. A mood board is an abstract collection of images and words that represent the tone or feeling you want your writing to convey.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post about a vacation, your mood board might include images of the beach, palm trees, and people enjoying themselves.

Read over what you’ve written so far

It can be difficult to judge our own work, but it’s important to remember that writers are their own worst critics! Read through everything you’ve written so far and make notes on the things that could be made better or are missing information.

For example, you might decide that the first paragraph of your blog post describes why writers should write, but it doesn’t explain what they’ll get out of it. You can then write a second paragraph about the benefits of writing — such as developing better mental health or finding closure for traumatic events.

Ask yourself why this topic is important

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to write about a particular topic, ask yourself why it matters to you. Does the topic have any personal significance or meaning for you personally? If not, consider starting another project and come back to this one when you’re feeling more enthusiastic.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post about the benefits of writing, ask yourself why it’s important for writers to write. There can be many reasons such as developing a better understanding of the world around them or improving their mental health.

Use a motivational tool to help you stay on track

If you find that your motivation tends to fluctuate, it can be helpful to use a tool such as a timer or a goal sheet. This will help you stay on track and make sure that you’re meeting your deadlines.

For example, a tool like Writemo can help you set your writing goals and then send you automatic check-ins and inspiration to keep your writing and hitting “post” more often.


If you’re having trouble getting started with your writing project, try one of the writers’ tips and tricks mentioned above. These writers’ hacks can help you stay motivated to meet deadlines and complete any writing projects that you have on your list!

These are just a few tips for overcoming writer’s block — but every writer is different, so experimentation is key. Be patient, and keep trying different strategies until you find one that works for you. Good luck!