3 min read

How to Find Followers for Your Blockchain or Crypto Blog (with Case Studies and Examples)

Starting a blog in the blockchain or crypto space can be a great way to share your thoughts and insights on the latest developments in the…
How to Find Followers for Your Blockchain or Crypto Blog (with Case Studies and Examples)
Photo by Pierre Borthiry - Peiobty on Unsplash

Starting a blog in the blockchain or crypto space can be a great way to share your thoughts and insights on the latest developments in the industry. However, one of the biggest challenges for bloggers in this space is finding followers who are interested in reading your content. In this post, we’ll explore some strategies and case studies that can help you find followers for your blockchain or crypto blog.

Be Active on Social Media

One of the easiest ways to find followers for your blog is by being active on social media. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are great places to share your blog posts and connect with potential readers. However, it’s important to remember that these platforms are social first, so you’ll need to engage with others and build relationships in order to be successful.

Here are a few tips for being active on social media:

  • Share your blog posts on a regular basis
  • Engage with others in your niche by commenting, sharing, and liking their posts
  • Use hashtags to make it easier for people to find your posts
  • Share content from other bloggers in your niche to build relationships and establish yourself as a thought leader

Guest Blogging

Another great way to find followers for your blockchain or crypto blog is by guest blogging. Guest blogging is when you write a post for another blogger’s website. This is a great way to reach a new audience and build relationships with other bloggers in your niche.

Here are a few tips for guest blogging:

  • Reach out to bloggers in your niche and offer to write a guest post for them
  • Make sure your guest post is high-quality and relevant to the blog’s audience
  • Include a link to your blog in the post so readers can find you
  • Follow up with the blogger after the post is published to thank them and see if there are any opportunities for future collaboration

Attend Conferences and Events

Attending conferences and events in the blockchain and crypto space is a great way to find followers for your blog. Not only will you have the opportunity to meet and network with other industry professionals, but you’ll also be able to share your blog with a wider audience.

Here are a few tips for attending conferences and events:

  • Research conferences and events in your area and make a plan to attend
  • Bring business cards and a laptop with your blog’s URL on it
  • Network with other attendees and share your blog with them
  • Live tweet or live blog events to share your thoughts and insights with a wider audience

Case Studies

Now that we’ve covered some strategies for finding followers for your blockchain or crypto blog, let’s take a look at a few case studies of bloggers who have successfully implemented these strategies.

Case Study 1: Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin is the founder of Ethereum, one of the most popular blockchain platforms in the world. He is also a well-known blogger in the blockchain and crypto space. Buterin’s blog is a great example of how to use social media to find followers. He is active on Twitter, where he shares his thoughts and insights on the latest developments in the blockchain and crypto space. He also engages with other thought leaders in the industry, building relationships and establishing himself as a thought leader.

Case Study 2: Laura Shin

Laura Shin is a journalist and podcast host who covers the blockchain and crypto space. Her podcast, Unchained, is one of the most popular podcasts in the industry. Shin’s blog is a great example of how to use guest blogging to find followers. She has guest blogged on a variety of websites and publications, including Forbes, TechCrunch, and Medium. By writing for these well-established websites, she is able to reach a larger audience and gain new followers for her blog.

Case Study 3: Andreas Antonopoulos

Andreas Antonopoulos is a well-known speaker, author, and educator in the blockchain and crypto space. He is a regular speaker at conferences and events, and his blog is a great example of how to use these events to find followers. Antonopoulos often live-tweets and live-blogs events, allowing him to share his thoughts and insights with a wider audience. He also uses these events as an opportunity to network with other industry professionals, building relationships and gaining new followers for his blog.


Starting a blockchain or crypto blog can be a great way to share your thoughts and insights on the latest developments in the industry. However, finding followers can be a challenge. By being active on social media, guest blogging, attending conferences and events, and building relationships with other industry professionals, you can increase your chances of finding followers for your blog. Remember, building a successful blog takes time and effort, so be patient and consistent in your efforts.