2 min read

How to grow your Medium following by 200 before the end of the year

Are you tired of struggling to gain followers on Medium? Do you want to increase your readership and engagement on the platform? Look no…
How to grow your Medium following by 200 before the end of the year
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Are you tired of struggling to gain followers on Medium? Do you want to increase your readership and engagement on the platform? Look no further! In this post, we’ll share some easy and effective strategies to help you gain 200 followers before the end of the year.


  1. Understand the power of consistency and quality
  2. Utilize hashtags and keywords to increase discoverability
  3. Collaborate with other writers and communities
  4. Engage with your audience
  5. Be patient and persistent

1. Understand the Power of Consistency and Quality

The first step to gaining more followers on Medium is to consistently publish high-quality content. This means writing on a regular schedule and putting effort into crafting well-written and engaging pieces.

Not only will this make your content more likely to be shared and recommended, but it will also show potential followers that you are committed to providing value through your writing.

2. Utilize Hashtags and Keywords to Increase Discoverability

Another important factor in gaining followers on Medium is making sure your content is easily discoverable. One way to do this is by using relevant hashtags and keywords in your titles and throughout your pieces.

This will help your content show up in search results and in the feeds of users who are interested in the topics you write about. It’s also a good idea to include tags that are specific to Medium, such as #writing and #mediummember.

3. Collaborate with Other Writers and Communities

Networking and collaboration are key to growing your following on Medium. This can mean joining writing communities, participating in writing challenges, and commenting on and sharing the work of other writers.

Not only will this help to get your name and content out there, but it will also allow you to connect with and learn from other writers.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is essential for gaining followers on any social platform, and Medium is no exception. This means taking the time to respond to comments on your pieces, commenting on the work of others, and actively participating in the Medium community.

This will not only help to build relationships with your audience, but it will also increase the visibility of your content and make it more likely to be recommended.

5. Be Patient and Persistent

Gaining followers on Medium (or any social platform) takes time and effort. Don’t expect to see drastic increases in your following overnight. Be patient and persistent in implementing the strategies outlined in this post, and you will begin to see growth in your following.


By consistently publishing high-quality content, utilizing hashtags and keywords, collaborating with other writers and communities, engaging with your audience, and being patient and persistent, you can easily gain 200 followers on Medium before the end of the year.

Be sure to follow WriterBites on Medium for more helpful tips on growing your following and improving your writing.