5 min read

How to organize your time for writing success in 2022

Time is the most important thing you will ever have. Every second gives you the opportunity to create something amazing, but how can this…
How to organize your time for writing success in 2022
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Time is the most important thing you will ever have. Every second gives you the opportunity to create something amazing, but how can this start if there’s no time to do so? If you feel like writing is your calling and want success in 2022, these steps are for you:

1. Start today. There’s no better day than today. Make it a habit like waking up, show your dedication today.

2. Know which crowd you want to please with your writing. Do you want to write for yourself or for others? You can’t be both. Once you know who’s the audience you’re talking to, do the things that will make them happy (example: If you’ve got a love of horror and gore, you shouldn’t be writing a cozy mystery).

3. Make friends and idols who share the same views as you and learn from them, their work ethic is bound to rub off on you if you’re open to it. Don’t forget about those guys down the street that haven’t been published yet because they could teach you just as much.

4. Treat writing like a job, your boss is the man in your mind that tells you to do this and that. If you’re feeling unmotivated write something happy where there’s no chance of failure; Keep doing this until you get to a bit for motivation for your main story through other projects.

5. Try new things every once in a while, it will make writing less of a chore and more of an adventure if you’re going out of your comfort zone.

6. Don’t get insulted when someone tells you that something you wrote is wrong because they probably have a point. Even if they don’t, their comment can give you inspiration for your story somewhere down the line.

7. When you feel like giving up, look back on all your hard work and tell yourself “I’ve made it this far, I’m not failing now”.

8. Prepare for criticism and don’t take it too personally because if you aim to please everyone then you’ll be writing forever (and that’s too much time for this world).

9. Always try your hardest, but don’t be too hard on yourself because you are only human after all, there are no perfect people or perfect writers. So if something doesn’t work out the way you want it to, let it go and do something else instead.

10. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, just take time to reflect on what you’re doing and ask yourself “Am I happy with my writing right now?” If not, change some things up.

11. Love your work like it’s your baby because even if no one else sees the beauty of it you’re still proud of what you’ve achieved (and that should be enough).

12. Always aim for your goals, never give up on them. Even if the journey gets tough the final destination is still waiting for you at the end.

13. Be yourself because no one else can fill your shoes, so why not put your best foot forward?

14. Keep track of everything you do whether it’s writing or not, so you can use it in the future to help yourself.

15. Be grateful for everything because there are people out there who would love to have your problems.

16. Invest in some good books on writing craft and self-sufficiency, they will give you an idea of what you’re doing wrong (or right) in your writing.

17. Keep a schedule just like you would for a normal job, writing in the same spot every day can help you with knowing when to take a break for lunch or when to head home before it gets too late. Remember that rules are made to be broken when it comes to writing so if 5 hours of sleep makes you feel better, stop reading this and do it.

18. Get your work out there (online or in print) so you get more practice on your craft and can get more of a following. Even if the criticism is harsh at least they’re still reading!

19. Don’t compare yourself to other writers who’ve been doing it longer than you have because you’re not them and they’re not you, so what’s the point?

20. The writing world is a scary place full of other writers just like you trying to get their work out there, don’t let yourself be overrun by it. Make friends with your fellow writers; we all need someone to lean on in times of trouble.

21. Remember that all the rules you have to learn can’t be broken, so don’t forget about them even if they’re driving you up the wall with frustration. If anything try to improve on your writing by sticking to those silly strict guidelines because it will help you grow as a writer.

22. Don’t compare yourself to other writers who’ve been doing it longer than you have because they started at the same place as you and just kept going forward. If anything be happy that they’re still reading and writing and not giving up on their dreams.

23. Always think positive thoughts, even if your work isn’t getting recognized yet don’t let yourself spiral down into a pit of self-pity. You don’t want to end up like that bratty teenager from the movie “She’s All That” do you?

24. Always read your reviews (both good and bad) because they’re the opinions of other people who’ve read your work and their thoughts can give you inspiration for future works or ways to improve your writing.

25. Don’t let the compliments get to you because if no one complained about your work then it wouldn’t be a challenge and there would be no growth in your craft. Also don’t take the criticism too personally because every writer has their own voice (and that means they’re going to like some things you write and dislike others).

26. Never give up on your dreams because there is always someone out there who loves what you’ve written and wants to see more, they just might not be able to do it alone.

27. Remember that your worst critic (even if it’s yourself) will never know everything about the craft of writing so don’t let them make you feel bad for trying!

28. Don’t ever say “I can’t” because, even if your soul is drained after a long day of writing, there are people out there who care about what you’ve done and will always give you the encouragement to keep going. It’s only because they love you that they want to see you succeed and if they’ve gone through similar problems before (which most writers have) then you can call them up for a heart-to-heart whenever you need it.

29. Don’t let yourself get too caught up in your writing because there are other things in life that you need to be doing that require just as much brain power but will also improve your craft. It’s all about balance, you know.

30. Have fun writing because no matter what anyone says if writing is your passion then it’s something you want to do and not have forced upon yourself by another person. And always remember that even though the path to becoming an author might be filled with obstacles, there are people out there who are waiting for your book to finally get published so they can buy it and read it. Good luck!