4 min read

How to Promote Your Writing on Reddit in a Way That Won’t Get You Banned (with Examples)

Reddit is a vast and vibrant community of millions of users from all over the world. It’s a great platform for writers to promote their…
How to Promote Your Writing on Reddit in a Way That Won’t Get You Banned (with Examples)
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Reddit is a vast and vibrant community of millions of users from all over the world. It’s a great platform for writers to promote their work and reach a wide audience, but it can also be challenging to navigate the complex rules and guidelines for self-promotion on the site. If you don’t play by the rules, your posts may get removed or even lead to a ban from the site.

In this post, we’ll go over the key tips for promoting your writing on Reddit in a way that won’t get you banned. By following these guidelines, you can build a strong presence on the site, grow your audience, and get your work in front of the right people.

1. Know the rules of each subreddit

Before you start promoting your writing on Reddit, it’s important to understand the rules and guidelines of each subreddit you want to post in. Each subreddit has its own set of rules, and they can vary widely from one subreddit to another. Some subreddits allow self-promotion, while others don’t.

To find out the rules of a subreddit, click on the “about” section on the right side of the subreddit’s main page. Make sure to read the rules carefully and understand them before posting anything.

2. Choose the right subreddits

Once you know the rules of each subreddit, it’s time to choose the right ones for promoting your writing. Not all subreddits are created equal, and some may be more suitable for your work than others.

To find the right subreddits for your writing, start by searching for keywords related to your work. For example, if you write science fiction, you might search for “science fiction writing” or “sci-fi authors.” This will give you a list of related subreddits, and you can start exploring each one to see which ones are the best fit for your work.

3. Engage with the community first

Before you start promoting your writing on Reddit, it’s important to engage with the community first. This means commenting on other posts, asking questions, and being an active participant in the subreddit. By doing this, you’ll build a reputation on the site, and people will be more likely to engage with your posts and take an interest in your writing.

4. Share valuable content

When it comes to promoting your writing on Reddit, it’s important to share valuable content that will engage and interest the community. This can include blog posts, articles, and other writing that you’ve published. But it’s also important to share other content that is relevant to your work, such as behind-the-scenes insights, writing tips, and industry news.

5. Don’t over-promote

One of the biggest mistakes that writers make when promoting their work on Reddit is over-promoting. This means posting too much about your writing and not enough about other things that are relevant to the subreddit. This can come across as spammy and will turn people off from your work.

It’s important to find a balance between promoting your writing and engaging with the community. A good rule of thumb is to post about your writing no more than once a week, and to make sure that you’re sharing other relevant content in between.

6. Be transparent about your self-promotion

When promoting your writing on Reddit, it’s important to be transparent about it. This means clearly labeling your posts as self-promotion and being upfront about the fact that you’re promoting your own work.

This can be as simple as adding a tagline to your post, such as “Author Promotion: My Latest Sci-Fi Novel” or “Self-Promotion: My Latest Blog Post on Writing Tips.” By being transparent about your self-promotion, you’ll build trust with the community and they’ll be more likely to engage with your posts.

7. Engage with feedback and criticism

Finally, it’s important to engage with feedback and criticism when promoting your writing on Reddit. This means responding to comments on your posts, and being open to constructive criticism. By doing this, you’ll show the community that you’re invested in their feedback and that you value their opinions.

Examples of Effective Reddit Self-Promotion

Here are a few examples of writers who are effectively promoting their work on Reddit:

  • r/writingprompts: This subreddit is a great place for writers to share their work and receive feedback from the community. Many writers will post their short stories or writing prompts, and engage with feedback from other members.
  • r/books: This subreddit is a great place for writers to promote their books and engage with readers. Many writers will share their latest books, and engage with feedback and questions from other members.
  • r/writing: This subreddit is a great place for writers to share their writing tips and advice, as well as promote their own work. Many writers will share their writing processes, and engage with feedback and questions from other members.


Promoting your writing on Reddit can be a great way to reach a wide audience and build your reputation as a writer. But it’s important to do it in a way that won’t get you banned from the site. By following the tips outlined in this post, you can build a strong presence on Reddit, grow your audience, and get your work in front of the right people.