3 min read

How to Survive the Holidays as a Freelance Writer

If writing is your profession, then the holidays are usually a time of stress and anxiety. Between family obligations, friends’ parties…
How to Survive the Holidays as a Freelance Writer
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

If writing is your profession, then the holidays are usually a time of stress and anxiety. Between family obligations, friends’ parties, and the actual writing work you have to do for clients, it can be tough to find balance during this season. Fortunately, there are ways to survive the holidays as a freelance writer! This article will give you writing tips so that you can enjoy all these special events without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out by them.

Remember why you write

The first step is to talk about the stress that comes with writing during this time of year. Many people will give you unwanted advice about how to find a “real job.” They may not understand what it’s like to be self-employed and work from home. It’s important to remember that you are in charge of your own career and that writing is your passion, not just a job. To solve this, you can also set boundaries with family and friends.

Managing stress

Another important aspect of surviving the holidays as a freelance writer is learning how to manage stress. Sometimes holiday parties can be stressful because you feel obligated to socialize when all you want to do is go home and get writing work done. It’s okay if writing needs to take priority over other activities during the holidays. You can always make up for lost time later on. Additionally, there are ways to manage the stress that doesn’t involve writing work at all. Taking a relaxing bath, reading your favorite book, or going for a walk are all great ways to de-stress and recharge your batteries.


Communication is another key factor in surviving the holidays as a freelance writer. If you have work that needs to be done, let your clients know what deadlines you’re working under and what sort of progress you’ve made so far. This will help them understand why you might not be able to answer their emails immediately. Likewise, if there are any changes to your writing schedule, let your clients know. If writing work is the only thing you have on your plate right now, don’t be afraid to ask for more projects!

Look back, and ahead

It’s important to remember that writing doesn’t end after December 31st at midnight. Whether you’re working or not during the whole of January and February (and beyond), it’s important to take some time at the end of each year to reflect on your writing career. This is a great opportunity for you to write about how this past year has gone, set writing goals for yourself (and maybe even send them in an email newsletter or two!), and create new writing habits that will allow you to feel more productive.

Juggling work

Finally, let’s talk about how to handle writing work during the holidays. It’s likely that you will have more work than usual because many people take time off during this season. You may feel like you can’t say no to any new projects, but it’s important to be realistic about your schedule. If you know you won’t be able to complete a project by the deadline, let the client know as soon as possible. This will help them find another writer to take on the project. In order to make the most of your writing time during the holidays, try to set specific deadlines for each task and evaluate your progress regularly.

The bottom line

In summary, these are some tips for surviving the holidays as a freelance writer:

-Talk about the stress that comes with writing during this time of year.

-Learn how to manage stress.

-Communicate effectively with clients.

-Set writing goals and deadlines for yourself.

-Evaluate your writing career at the end of each year.

-Be realistic about the writing projects you take on.

If you can follow these tips, you’ll be able to writing during the holidays without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Happy writing!