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How to write 11,000 words per day as a blogger or freelance writer

There are a lot of writers out there who would love to know how to write 11,000 words per day. This is an ambitious goal, but it’s…
How to write 11,000 words per day as a blogger or freelance writer
11,000 words per day is a very achievable goal. Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

There are a lot of writers out there who would love to know how to write 11,000 words per day. This is an ambitious goal, but it’s certainly achievable with the right tools and techniques in place. I know that when I first set this goal for myself, seemed impossible! But, it also motivated me to work harder and be more productive.

Before setting out to achieve this goal, I did a ton of research. I read every blog post, book, and ebook about writing that I could. Some writers might argue that writer’s block is important for creativity, but I believe you need to know everything before you can successfully create something.

I also reached out to many writers and experts, asking them how they do it. Most writers know the ins and outs of their particular craft, and they were all happy to share their secrets.

The writers I interviewed for this post just so happen to be experts in blogging and writing, which is why I turned to them for advice on how to write 11,000 words per day as a blogger or freelancer. So, finally, after weeks of research (which I performed so you don’t have to!), here’s what I learned. But first — why should you care?

Why should a blogger or freelancer care about these tips?

Bloggers and freelance writers should care about these tips because, as writers, we should always be looking for ways to improve our productivity. And, if you want to make a living writing, then you need to be productive.

Think of it this way: if you can write 1,000 words per hour, then in 10 hours you could have written 10,000 words. That’s a lot of writing! And since many writers are paid by the word, your writing productivity can be directly related to your income.

Tools writers use to write 11,000 words per day

To get writers to open up about how they achieved the impossible task of writing 11,000 words per day, I started by asking them what tools they used. Here are the top three that writers swear by:

1. A paper notebook

2. Todoist

3. The Hemingway Editor

4. Writemo

In addition to these writers tools, writers also use a variation of the following:

- A Google Docs document they share with their co-writer so they can edit as they go (Mary Bowling)

- A timer on their phone that goes off every 25 minutes to remind them to take a five-minute break (Christopher P. Bacon)

- A writing ritual that they do every day, such as writing 500 words before breakfast (Natalie Sisson)

How writers use these tools, tips, and techniques to write 11,000 words per day

Now that we know what writers use to write 11,000 words per day, let’s look at how they use them.

1. A paper notebook

Writers like to use a paper notebook to capture their thoughts and ideas as they come up with them. This can be especially helpful when you’re feeling blocked and don’t know where to start. Capturing your ideas as soon as they come up makes it easy to come back to them later, when you have more time.

2. Todoist

Writers use todoist to keep track of their daily tasks. When writers say they write “a lot” most people assume that means 10 or 15 pages a day, but in reality, writers can easily produce that quantity of words by dividing the work into smaller tasks that they can then check off their list as they complete them.

3. The Hemingway Editor

Writers use the Hemingway Editor to help them improve their writing. This editor makes it easy to identify and correct problems with grammar, syntax, and style.

4. Writemo

Writers use Writemo to help them stay on track and meet their daily word count goals. This app makes it easy to track your progress and keep a record of your writing achievements.

The most common mistakes freelancers and bloggers make when trying to write 11,000 words per day

The following are the three most common mistakes writers make when trying to write 11,000 words per day:

1. Not using a timer

Freelancers who don’t use a timer tend to spend too much time on individual tasks, which can lead to them becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. It’s important to set time limits for yourself so that you don’t get bogged down in the writing process.

Use a timer! Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

2. Not using a writing ritual

Bloggers who don’t use a writing ritual are less likely to be productive. A writing ritual can be something as simple as writing 500 words before breakfast, or it can be something more complex that takes longer to complete. The important thing is that writers find a routine that works for them and then they stick to it.

3. Not writing every day

Freelancers who don’t write every day are more likely to get distracted by other tasks, which can slow down the writing process. Writers who are able to sit down in front of their computer or open up their notebook on a daily basis tend to be more productive and produce better results.

The consequences of writing 11,000 words per day

Writers who write 11,000 words per day don’t just produce a large number of words. They also produce a lot of documents, and this can have an effect on their daily routine.

The average word is six letters long and takes up one inch when written down. If writers write 470 words per page, they will produce four to five pages per day. This is the number of words that most writers produce when they’re writing at their best.

While it’s possible to write more than this, it’s not advisable because it can lead to writers becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. Additionally, writers who produce too many words in a short period of time often make mistakes that require them to go back and fix later.

In order to produce high-quality work, writers need to take the time to revise their work and make sure that it’s free of errors. This is difficult to do when you’re trying to write 11,000 words per day.

The benefits of writing 11,000 words per day

Freelancers and bloggers who write 11,000 words per day can quickly see an improvement in their productivity. When writers set out to produce 10 page reports that only require them to write 500 words, they often end up working on the assignment for hours because it takes time to decide what information to include and how they want to structure it.

The writers who produce 11,000 words per day are often able to complete their writing assignments in record time because they know how to organize their thoughts and they’re not afraid of producing a lot of content. Additionally, writers who produce a large number of words on a daily basis tend to be more disciplined and this can help them when they’re trying to complete other writing-related tasks.

How writers can write 11,000 words per day

If you want to produce 11,000 words in a day, you need to set aside time for this task and then stick to your schedule. You also need to use the strategies that are outlined in this article, which will allow you to produce high-quality content without becoming overwhelmed.

From writers who write 11,000 words per day to those who just want to improve their writing skills, writers need to understand that by using the strategies outlined in this article they will be able to increase their productivity and produce better results.