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How Well Do Medium Articles Rank? (Explained + 5 Examples)

Medium is a popular platform for writers and bloggers to share their thoughts and ideas on a wide range of topics. But how well do Medium…
How Well Do Medium Articles Rank? (Explained + 5 Examples)
Photo by Sebastien LE DEROUT on Unsplash

Medium is a popular platform for writers and bloggers to share their thoughts and ideas on a wide range of topics. But how well do Medium articles rank in search engines like Google? In this post, we’ll take a look at how Medium articles are indexed and ranked, and provide five examples of Medium articles that have ranked well in search results.

First, it’s important to understand how Medium articles are indexed by search engines. Medium uses a content delivery network (CDN) to serve articles, which means that each article is given its own unique URL. This allows search engines to index the articles and understand their content. However, it’s worth noting that Medium articles are not indexed as quickly as articles on a traditional website, as the CDN does not allow for immediate indexing.

When it comes to ranking, Medium articles are treated like any other piece of content on the internet. Search engines take into account a variety of factors, including the content of the article, the number of backlinks pointing to the article, and the overall authority of the Medium website.

To give you an idea of how well Medium articles can rank, we’ve provided five examples of Medium articles that have done well in search results:

  1. “The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Blog Post” by Neil Patel — This article ranks on the first page of Google for the keyword “blog post writing guide.”
  2. “The Secret to Writing Great Headlines” by Coschedule — This article ranks on the first page of Google for the keyword “writing headlines.”
  3. “The Science of Productivity: How to Get More Done in Less Time” by James Clear — This article ranks on the first page of Google for the keyword “productivity tips.”
  4. “The Only Productivity System You Need: The Eisenhower Matrix” by Tim Ferriss — This article ranks on the first page of Google for the keyword “Eisenhower matrix.”
  5. “Why You Should Start a Blog Today” by Ryan Robinson — This article ranks on the first page of Google for the keyword “why start a blog.”

As you can see, Medium articles can rank well in search results if they are well-written and provide valuable information. Additionally, Medium’s overall authority as a platform and the number of backlinks pointing to the article also play a role in its ranking.

In conclusion, Medium articles can rank well in search engines, but it takes time and effort to create high-quality content that is optimized for search engines. If you’re looking to increase your visibility and reach a wider audience, writing on Medium is a great way to start.