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I’m gaining 8–10 followers daily. Here’s how to copy my approach.

I’m not sure what your traffic stats look like today, but here’s a screenshot of what traffic from thousands of followers looks like:
I’m gaining 8–10 followers daily. Here’s how to copy my approach.
The type of traffic you’ll see with 20k followers

I’m not sure what your traffic stats look like today, but here’s a screenshot of what traffic from thousands of followers looks like:

If you’ve been writing on Medium for a while, you’ve likely noticed that your follower count isn’t growing particularly quickly. It’s simply hard to get people to notice you in the early days. With such a big community, Medium has limited space for new writers to effectively breakthrough.

But if you’ve been struggling with your personal growth, perhaps this story will give you some insight into how I’ve managed to add hundreds of followers by spending only about 5 minutes per day working on my community. I use the steps presented below and consistently add somewhere between eight and ten followers every time I do. On some days, it’s been as high as twenty.

I’ve found that getting more Medium followers has helped me make a lot of connections with other writers and readers. It’s given my work greater exposure, as I tend to get retweeted or shared by some of those people who added me of their own volition. Obviously, having a strong following is good if you’re trying to become a full-time writer in 2022!

The real power of follower growth

If eight, ten, or even twenty followers here or there might not sound like much, you should be sure to remember the second part of this strategy — do this daily. You can repeat these steps every 24 hours, and you should for maximum results. Ten followers in one day are just ten followers. Ten followers per day for a week is 70 followers. Ten followers per day for a year is 3,650 — and that’s not counting the free growth and network effect of having all these people sharing your work with others. You could easily reach over 5,000 followers with this approach if you have the content and discipline to back it up. And that’s only if you don’t perform any other strategies!

How I add 8–10 Medium followers per day, for free

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. A list of a few big Medium publications that are relevant to your audience
  2. A decent internet connection
  3. The time and mental focus to click a button 150 times in a row (takes about 5 minutes)
  4. The discipline to do it every day.

My strategy is simple. First, go to a publication that has a large following. The type in a URL in the address bar that’s formatted as follows: medium.com/PUBLICATION/followers. For example, if you’re writing about stuff that’s relevant to a tech audience, you might try HackerNoon, which has millions of readers: medium.com/hackernoon/followers.

Once you do this, you will see a list of people who follow the publication. You can then scroll down the list, clicking “follow” as you go. Each reader will get a notification telling them that you followed them, and many will check out your account and may even follow you back.

When I follow this approach, I usually see between eight and ten people follow me back within a day of following them. This costs no money and was totally free — all I had to give up was a bit of my time.

The limitations

No system is totally perfect. Although this one is free, it does have other limitations. First, you have to do it every day. Though we do lots of things every day, like showering and brushing our teeth, so that’s obviously not an impossible feat.

Second, sometimes it takes a long time to scroll to find new people to follow. I recommend having a large list of publications so you can cycle through them to find fresh people to add. You also will want a strong internet connection since sometimes Medium can be a bit slow to load.

There is also a daily follow limit of 150 people, so once you reach that limit you’ll have to wait 24 hours to repeat this approach.

The results of having thousands of followers

Having a thousand or more followers can get you really far on the platform. Your content will show up more in people’s feeds, you are more likely to get readers/commenters, and many of your followers may share or retweet what you publish. Having this kind of reach is the difference between growing an audience on Medium with a few hundred casual visitors per month versus tens of thousands who look forward to reading your words every day.

If you follow the steps above and have the discipline (do them daily!) and patience, you will be rewarded with a much larger following in the next six months.

Oh, and, uh… be sure to follow me too :)

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