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Is starting a blog a better way to get customers for my startup than starting a Twitter?

When it comes to getting customers and promoting your business, there are a lot of options available. Two of the most popular are starting…
Is starting a blog a better way to get customers for my startup than starting a Twitter?
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Is starting a blog a better way to get customers for my startup than starting a Twitter? (No, with 3 exceptions)

When it comes to getting customers and promoting your business, there are a lot of options available. Two of the most popular are starting a blog and starting a Twitter account. But which one is better for getting customers? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each and see if starting a blog is truly a better way to get customers than starting a Twitter.

Blogging for Customers

Blogging has been around for a long time and is a tried and true method for attracting customers. When you start a blog, you have the opportunity to showcase your expertise, build trust with your audience, and provide valuable information to potential customers. A well-written and regularly updated blog can also improve your search engine optimization (SEO), making it easier for people to find your business when they search for products or services in your industry.

However, starting a blog is also a time-intensive process. Creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience takes time and effort. Additionally, it can take a while to build up a following and see results in the form of increased traffic and customers.

Twitter for Customers

Twitter is a more recent platform and is known for its fast-paced, real-time nature. This can be great for reaching a large audience quickly, as well as for engaging with customers in real-time. Twitter can also be a useful tool for tracking what people are saying about your business and industry, and for identifying potential customers.

However, Twitter can also be overwhelming, with a constant stream of information and updates. It can be difficult to stand out and get noticed, especially if you’re new to the platform. And while Twitter can be a great way to reach a lot of people quickly, it’s not always the best platform for building deep, meaningful relationships with customers.

So, which is better?

Neither platform is objectively better than the other. It really depends on your business, your target audience, and your goals. However, in general, it’s not accurate to say that starting a blog is a better way to get customers than starting a Twitter.

With that said, there are a few exceptions where starting a blog may be a better option for getting customers:

  1. If you have a niche business and want to establish yourself as an expert in your industry, a blog may be the better choice. A well-written and informative blog can help you build trust and credibility with your target audience.
  2. If you’re looking to improve your SEO, a blog can be a great way to do that. By consistently producing high-quality content, you can improve your website’s ranking in search engine results and make it easier for people to find you online.
  3. If you’re looking to build deep, meaningful relationships with customers, a blog may be the better option. By regularly publishing content that provides value and addresses the needs of your target audience, you can establish a strong connection with your customers and keep them coming back.


In conclusion, neither starting a blog nor starting a Twitter is a guarantee for getting customers. Both platforms have their pros and cons, and which one is better for your business will depend on your goals and target audience. With that said, there are a few exceptions where starting a blog may be a better option for getting customers, especially if you’re looking to establish yourself as an expert in your industry, improve your SEO, or build deep, meaningful relationships with customers.