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Is TikTok a better tool to grow your audience than LinkedIn? (answered + updated 2023)

Is TikTok a better tool to grow your audience than LinkedIn? (answered + updated 2023)
Photo by Creative Christians on Unsplash

In recent years, social media has become an increasingly important part of building a personal brand or growing a business. With so many platforms to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is the best fit for your goals. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at two popular social media platforms: TikTok and LinkedIn, and compare their potential for growing your audience.

TikTok: the up-and-comer

TikTok is a relatively new social media platform that has exploded in popularity in recent years. The app, which allows users to create and share short videos, has been downloaded over 2 billion times worldwide. TikTok’s success can be attributed to its ability to quickly adapt to users’ evolving needs and preferences, as well as its algorithm, which suggests content to users based on their interests.

One of the biggest advantages of TikTok for growing your audience is its reach. With a global user base, TikTok has the potential to connect you with a wide range of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Additionally, TikTok’s algorithm is designed to surface content from a variety of creators, so even if you’re just starting out, you have the opportunity to reach a large audience.

Another advantage of TikTok is its creative potential. The platform’s short video format allows users to experiment with different types of content, such as lip-syncing, dancing, and comedy skits. This can be a great way to showcase your personality and build a connection with your audience.

LinkedIn: the professional network

LinkedIn is a social media platform that is primarily focused on networking and job searching. It’s used by professionals, recruiters, and businesses to connect with other professionals, showcase their work, and find new job opportunities.

One of the biggest advantages of LinkedIn for growing your audience is its professional focus. LinkedIn is a great platform for building your personal brand and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. By sharing relevant content, connecting with other professionals, and participating in groups and discussions, you can build a following of people who are interested in what you have to say.

Additionally, LinkedIn is a great platform for networking. By connecting with other professionals in your industry, you can expand your reach and gain access to a wider audience.

So, which one is better?

Both TikTok and LinkedIn have their own unique strengths and can be effective tools for growing your audience. The key is to understand your goals and audience, and choose the platform that best aligns with them.

If your goal is to grow your personal brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field, LinkedIn is probably the better choice. However, if you’re looking to reach a wider audience and experiment with different types of content, TikTok may be a better fit.

It’s also worth noting that TikTok has been banned in some countries, so it’s important to check the availability of the platform in your area before making a decision.

As of 2023, TikTok is still growing in popularity and has a huge user base, however LinkedIn has also grown rapidly in recent years and is now considered as a powerful marketing tool for companies and professionals. It’s important to consider your target audience and the type of content you want to share before deciding which platform is better for you.

In conclusion, it’s important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of both TikTok and LinkedIn, and to choose the platform that best aligns with your goals and audience.