4 min read

Let’s create a world! 9 tips for writing fiction

What is writing fiction? Writing fiction is the process of writing a story that has not happened in real life. The goal is to capture your…
Let’s create a world! 9 tips for writing fiction
Photo by Cederic Vandenberghe on Unsplash

What is writing fiction? Writing fiction is the process of writing a story that has not happened in real life. The goal is to capture your thoughts and imaginings on paper or computer screen so that someone else can enjoy it. Fiction writing may be done for publication, personal satisfaction, or as an escape from reality. It’s writing about imaginary people and places and events with the intent of entertaining oneself or others through imagination and creativity.

What makes fiction unique?

Fiction writing is a unique form of writing. It can be anything you want it to be, from being about an actual experience that happened in your life or something you have not yet experienced but would like to one day. It’s the freedom of writing without limits and no boundaries as well as creating magic with words on paper!

How do I start?

Anyone can write fiction by jotting down their thoughts onto paper or typing them into a computer. Begin writing now so you don’t forget any ideas later on when they come up! If this sounds too overwhelming for right now then simply buy yourself a small notebook and carry it around everywhere — whether this means having it at work, school, home etc… You never know when writing inspiration might come to you!

What are some tips for writing fiction?

Here are a few helpful tips that can assist in writing the best story possible. Remember, these are just suggestions and not rules so feel free to break them if it works better for your writing style. Just remember to have fun with writing fiction while capturing all of your thoughts before they slip away!

Start writing today

One of the best ways to start writing fiction is to simply start writing. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, because that may never come. Just begin writing now and see where it takes you.

Start with what you know

This can be an autobiographical piece or a story based on something that happened in your life. It’s a great way to get started and can make the writing process less overwhelming.

Create characters

When creating characters think about their physical appearance, age, personality traits, backstory, etc… This will help flesh out your story and make it more believable.

Make a plot outline

A plot outline doesn’t need to be anything fancy — just a basic list of the events that will occur in your writing. This can be used as a reference when writing so you know where to begin and what will happen next.

Don’t edit while writing

This is something that many writers do but it really does slow down the writing process if you constantly stop to fix things here and there (and believe me, you’ll find plenty of mistakes later on!). Keep writing until you get through at least one full draft then go back for editing!

Use a tool to stay motivated

A tool like Writemo can be used to stay on track and keep those drafts coming. Let’s face it, one of the hardest parts of any kind of writing is writing regularly. If you don’t have the time to write every day then writing for a certain amount of time each week can help get your writing process going again.

Keep creating new ideas

If an idea pops into your head while writing don’t ignore it — write it down immediately before forgetting about it (this goes for any good ideas throughout the day). Add these new thoughts onto paper or save them in another document on your computer so you can refer to them later on while writing.

Revise and edit

After completing your first draft it’s time for revision and editing. This is where you fix all the mistakes, tighten up the writing etc… It may require multiple rounds of revisions before you’re happy with the final product.

Have fun!

This is one of the most important tips — have fun writing fiction and let your imagination run wild! After all, that’s what writing is all about — creating magic with words on paper.

What other tips do I need to know?

There are plenty more writing techniques and tips out there that can make writing fiction easier, but these nine will definitely help! Remember that being creative is not something everyone possesses so whatever method works best for you should be followed through on. Don’t let anyone tell you how writing should or shouldn’t be done — just enjoy yourself while writing and use it as an outlet for all those thoughts in your head! Good luck with writing fiction! You got this!


These are just a few helpful suggestions to assist in writing the best story possible. Remember, they are simply suggestions, not rules, so feel free to break them if it works better with your style.

Just remember to have fun while you write — capturing all thoughts before they slip away! Start today One of the best ways to start is by starting now. Don’t wait for the perfect moment because that may never come. Begin writing immediately then see where the writing journey takes you. Happy writing!

One of the best ways to start is by starting now. Don’t wait for the perfect moment because that may never come. Begin writing immediately then see where the writing journey takes you. Happy writing! :)

The following are some helpful suggestions on how to improve your skills as a fiction writer:

When creating characters, think about their physical appearance, age, personality traits, backstory, etc… This will help flesh out your story and make it more believable. In addition, try outlining your plot before