2 min read

LinkedIn is a Wasteland — Stop Posting Your Writing There

LinkedIn is a Wasteland — Stop Posting Your Writing There
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

LinkedIn is often seen as a professional social media platform where individuals and businesses can connect, network and showcase their skills and achievements. However, as the platform continues to grow, it has become a wasteland of self-promotion, spam, and clickbait.

One of the biggest issues with LinkedIn is the amount of low-quality content that is being shared every day. From motivational quotes to motivational posters, the platform has become a hub for generic and unoriginal content that adds no value to the user experience.

As a writer, it is especially frustrating to see so many people posting their writing on LinkedIn, only to have it lost in a sea of irrelevant content. Writing is an art form, and it deserves to be treated with the respect it deserves. Yet, on LinkedIn, writing is reduced to nothing more than a tool for self-promotion.

Not only is it demeaning to the art form of writing, but it is also damaging to the writer’s personal brand. When you post your writing on LinkedIn, it becomes just another piece of generic content that is easily forgettable. If you want to establish yourself as a writer, you need to be strategic about where you share your work.

The best way to showcase your writing is by creating a personal blog or website. This allows you to build a platform that is dedicated to your writing and your brand. You can create a professional look and feel, and you have complete control over the content that you share.

If you are serious about your writing and want to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, you need to be strategic about where you share your work. LinkedIn may be a great platform for connecting with others and finding job opportunities, but it is not the place to showcase your writing.

Instead, take the time to build a platform that is truly dedicated to your writing. This will allow you to build a personal brand that is unique, memorable and respected. And, when you do share your writing, you can be sure that it will be seen and appreciated by those who matter most.

So, if you’re a writer, stop posting your writing on LinkedIn. Invest in building a platform that is dedicated to your writing, and you will see the rewards in terms of exposure, credibility, and personal branding.