3 min read

Messy desk? How to organize your writing space for maximum productivity in 5 minutes

We all know getting in the zone is hard, but when you have a messy desk and nowhere to sit down it can be near impossible. To help you get…

We all know getting in the zone is hard, but when you have a messy desk and nowhere to sit down it can be near impossible. To help you get started, we put together some tips on how to organize your space for maximum productivity in just five minutes. Let’s go!

Might be a bit tough to focus in this environment! Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

1. Remove clutter from your desk.

A cluttered desk equals a cluttered mind, so take a few minutes to clear everything off your work surface. This will help you focus on the task at hand.

Tip: Use a storage bin or basket to hold any necessary materials so they’re easily accessible when you need them.

2. Move the items you use most frequently to a designated spot on your desk.

This will help you avoid having to search for things when you’re in the middle of writing.

Tip: Use a tray or caddy to store your most-used items together.

3. Put all pens, pencils, and paper in one place.

Writing utensils can be a nightmare to find if they’re scattered around, so gather them all in one place. This will make it easy for you to grab whatever writing instrument you need without having to search.

Tip: Use a pencil holder or mug with dividers to keep these items separate but still organized. Keep any non-writing supplies in a drawer or box.

4. Place a file folder next to your computer where you can store papers that need filing away.

This will keep your desk clear and help you avoid the dreaded stack of papers that seems to grow taller by the day.

Tip: Label the file folder with a specific topic or client name for easy reference.

5. Keep an inbox for important papers or projects that require more thought or attention before they are filed away.

This will prevent you from having to search through your entire desk for that one piece of paper you need.

Tip: Use a large envelope or manila folder for this purpose.

This will help you avoid distractions and stay on task. The work-related tray can contain items like pens, paper, folders, and notebooks while the personal tray can hold things like a phone charger, sunglasses, and lip balm.

Tip: Use two separate trays to avoid mixing personal and professional items.

Some other writer’s tips on how to stay organized

  • Keep a notepad near your computer in case you get an idea while working on another project or take notes during phone calls that need to be referenced later.
  • If possible, keep your coffee maker off to the side so you’re not tempted to stop working and make a cup of coffee.
  • Keep your desk organized, but don’t fuss too much over the small details as you need some clutter for inspiration sometimes. Just pick one or two things that really bug you about your workspace so they can be addressed first.
  • If possible try to find an office that has windows. Natural light is very important for creativity.
  • If you can’t find a space with windows, make sure there are plenty of lights to brighten things up and keep the mood positive.
  • Keep any items that inspire you nearby like inspirational quotes or images of loved ones, pets, your favorite vacation spot, etc…
  • Experiment with different organizational methods until you find one that works best for you. What might work for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to find what works for YOU.

The bottom line

We hope these tips help get your desk organized and set up for maximum productivity! Do you have any additional tips to share? Reply and let us know!