7 min read

The best tools to use to help you write content that makes money

Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. It’s not something anyone can do well without putting in the hours, so it makes…
The best tools to use to help you write content that makes money
You’ll have that cash coming in quickly if you follow the process!
Writing is hard. Writing content that makes money is even harder.

Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. It’s not something anyone can do well without putting in the hours, so it makes sense to invest in your writing by using tools that help you write better. According to HubSpot, if your goal is to make money with your writing, the challenge is even steeper — fewer than one in a hundred blog posts earn more than $100.

Fortunately, there are tools available to help you boost your traffic and earnings. In this post, we’ll look at the best tools to use for brainstorming ideas, drafting, staying motivated, revising, proofreading, SEO, sharing, analytics, building a community, and monetizing your blog.

We’ll also look at some FAQs and point you to more resources you can use as you build your writing empire. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Brainstorming tools

If you want to be a successful writer, you need to regularly come up with fresh ideas. The best way to do that is to use brainstorming tools to help you come up with new ideas.

There are many different brainstorming tools available, but the two most popular ones are mind mapping and clustering.

Mind mapping is a visual way to organize your thoughts. You start by drawing a central idea in the middle of a page, then add branches for related ideas. You can then add more details to each branch, and connect related ideas with lines.

Clustering is a similar idea, but you group them into clusters instead of drawing lines between thoughts. This method is beneficial for brainstorming topics for articles or blog posts.

Both methods are great for breaking down big ideas into smaller pieces and flowing the creative juices. If you’re looking for online tools to help you with this, check out MindNode and Coggle.

Drafting tools

Once you have an idea, it’s time to start drafting the article or blog post. This is where a good word processor can come in handy. A word processor like Microsoft Word or Pages will help you format your document correctly and make it easy for other people to read. It will also help you with basic proofreading and spellchecking.

If you’re looking for a more sophisticated writing tool, try Scrivener. This software is designed specifically for writers, and it includes features like split-screen mode, which lets you see your document as it will look when published, and corkboard mode, which helps you plan out your story or article.

Once you have an idea, it’s time to start drafting the article or blog post.

If you’re writing a book, you may also want to consider using software like InDesign or Illustrator to create professional-looking layouts and covers.

Staying motivated

It can be tough to stay motivated when working on a long project, especially if the end goal seems far away. However, that’s where motivation tools can come in handy.

You can use tools like Writemo to set weekly goals and track your progress daily. If you’re writing an ebook or report, consider using software like Airstory to manage the project from start to finish. Hence, it’s easy for other people on your team to contribute when necessary.

Writing prompts are also a great way to stay motivated. This could be anything from writing prompts for fiction writers, where you start with a sentence or phrase and build on it in your own words, to daily writing prompts that help you write every day without having to come up with new ideas.

Revising tools

When you’re ready to send your work out into the world, it’s essential to make sure it’s as polished as possible. This is where revision tools come in handy.

One of the most popular revision tools is Hemingway, which helps you identify and fix common writing mistakes. Another great tool is ProWritingAid, which checks for overused words and clichés, incorrect grammar, and poor sentence structure.

If you’re looking for a more in-depth revision process, consider using the editing services of a professional editor. This can be expensive, but it’s worth it if you want your work to be as good as possible.

Proofreading tools

Once you’ve finished revising your work, the next step is to proofread it. This is where proofreading tools come in handy.

Several different proofreading tools are available, but the most popular one is Grammarly. This tool checks your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes and offers corrections suggestions.

Basic spelling mistakes can ruin all your progress if you’re not careful.

Another great option is PaperRater, which checks not only for spelling errors but also fits your text against databases of published documents to see if you’re using plagiarized material.

If you don’t feel like investing in proofreading tools, plenty of free options are available online. A simple Google search will provide many different websites that check for common writing mistakes and offer suggestions on fixing them.

SEO tools

SEO is one of the most important aspects of writing content that makes money. This stands for “Search Engine Optimization,” and it’s the process of optimizing your website or blog post so that it appears higher up in search engine results pages.

Many different SEO tools are available, including Moz, SEMrush, and ahrefs. These tools can help you find out things like which keywords are most popular with your target audience, so you know what to write about. They also provide information on how difficult it will be for search engines to rank your site or blog post for that keyword.

Building a community

One of the best ways to monetize your blog or website is by building a community of loyal followers. This will not only make it easier for you to earn money from ad revenue, but it also allows you to sell other products and services directly to consumers as well as through affiliate marketing programs.

An essential tool in this process is email newsletters, which you should send out regularly. This gives your potential customers the chance to get in touch with you and ask questions and receive information from you that they might not have been able to find elsewhere online.

In addition to email newsletters, other tools are available for building a community. For instance, if you’re running an eCommerce site, consider using a tool like Zopim to provide live chat. This allows your customers to instantly connect with you and ask questions or voice concerns about their purchases.

Discord is another excellent tool for building a community. This is a voice and text chat app popular with gamers, but it can be used for other purposes. For example, it allows you to create groups of people interested in the same topic, making it perfect for building a community around your blog or website.

Monetization tools

As mentioned above, there are numerous ways content creators can monetize their blog posts or websites. These include things like ad revenue from Google AdSense and affiliate marketing.

A great tool for monetization is Google Analytics, which works by tracking the traffic on your blog or website to see what’s working well and what needs adjusting. This information can be invaluable in terms of knowing how much you should spend advertising a given post or article so that it will get enough clicks from readers who are interested in the topic.

SEO tools, email newsletters, and Google Analytics are just a few examples of content writing tools that can help you earn money from your blog posts or website. There’s no shortage of options available to bloggers who want to make more money by monetizing their sites. The best advice is to experiment with different types of tools and see what works best for you.


Q: What are some good tools for brainstorming ideas?

A: Some great tools for brainstorming ideas include mind maps, Evernote, and Google Keep. These allow you to visually organize your thoughts and come up with new ideas quickly and easily.

Q: What’s the best way to revise my content?

A: The best way to revise your content is by reading it out loud. This will help you catch errors that you might not have seen before and also allows you to get a sense of how the content sounds when it’s read aloud.

Q: What’s the best tool for proofreading my content?

A: The best tool for proofreading your content is a grammar checker. There are many different ones available, both free and paid, that can help you correct common mistakes.

Q: What’s the best way to improve my SEO?

A: The best way to improve your SEO is by using an SEO tool like Moz or SEMrush. These tools allow you to see where your site is ranking for certain keywords and also provide advice on how to improve your rankings.

Q: What are some good ways to share my content?

A: Some great ways to share your content include using social media, posting it on forums, and submitting it to article directories. These methods allow you to reach a wider audience and increase your traffic.

Q: What’s the best way to monetize my blog?

A: The best way to monetize your blog is by using an ad management tool like AdThrive or BuySellAds. These tools help you place ads in appropriate places on your site, track clicks, and earn money from your traffic.

Q: What are some good tools for building a community around my blog?

A: Some great tools for building a community around your blog include Discord, Facebook Groups, and LinkedIn Groups. These platforms allow you to connect with like-minded people and build a community of followers who are interested in your content.

The bottom line

There are a variety of tools available to content creators that can help them write better, more successful content. By experimenting with different tools and finding the ones that work best for you, you can improve your writing skills and earn more money from your blog posts or website.