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The Best Writing Tools for 2022: A Comprehensive Guide

In writing, you need to choose your writing tools wisely. A writing tool can be as simple as a pencil and paper, or as complicated as an…
The Best Writing Tools for 2022: A Comprehensive Guide
Make sure you have the proper tools in your arsenal! Photo by Dean's Photo on Unsplash

In writing, you need to choose your writing tools wisely. A writing tool can be as simple as a pencil and paper, or as complicated as an iPad with the latest software. The best writing tool for you might not be the best writing tool for someone else. There are many factors that go into choosing writing tools: what kind of writing do you plan on doing? What is your budget? How much time will you have to invest in learning how to use it? This post will explore all these questions and more so that by the end of it, we’ll help guide you to finding the perfect writing tool for *you.*

Why do writing tools matter?

In writing, you need tools to get the job done. You can achieve your writing goals without writing tools, but it will be a lot harder and take up more of your time in the process. The best writing tool is one that gets out of your way so that it becomes almost an extension of yourself as a writer. This will allow you to focus on writing and less on the tool you’re using.

The writing process, step by step

There are many different ways to approach writing, but most writing processes can be broken down into these six steps:

  1. Researching — in this step, you’ll be gathering information that will help you write your piece.
  2. Outlining — in this step, you’ll create an outline of your writing project based on the research you’ve done.
  3. Writing — in this step, you’ll put the words to paper (or screen).
  4. Editing — in this step, you’ll edit your writing to make sure that what you’ve written is coherent and flows well.
  5. Proofreading — in this step, you’ll check your writing for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  6. Publishing/Sharing — in this step, once your writing piece has been edited and proofread, it’s ready for the world! You can share your writing with others by publishing it on a blog, in a magazine, or even submitting it to writing contests. If you want to learn more about how to get started by writing on Medium, check out this link.

Each of these steps can be made easier by using writing tools that are designed to help with each step. It’s important to remember, though, that you don’t need to use all the tools available, and you don’t need the most expensive and complicated tools to get the job done. The best writing tool for you is the one that helps you write your best work.

Software Tools for Writers

There are many software programs out there designed specifically for writers. These programs can help with everything from researching and writing to editing and proofreading. Let’s review the best writing tools for 2022 by examining which step of the writing process they’re meant to help with.

Factors we considered when evaluating the candidates

What does it mean to be the best tool for 2022 in a particular category? This wasn’t an easy question to answer. Factors we considered included :

- The writing tool’s ability to help writers be more productive

- Its ease of use and how easy it is to learn

- Whether the writing tool is cross-platform or only available on one platform

- How popular the writing tool is among writers

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

The best writing tools of 2022

Best 2022 writing tool for researching: Google Drive

Google Drive is a great research tool because it’s so versatile. You can create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations right in the program, or you can import files from other programs. You can also easily collaborate with others on projects, which makes it perfect for research teams. Plus, since it’s cloud-based, you can access your files from anywhere.


- Cross-platform


- Doesn’t have writing tools to help with the writing process

Best 2022 writing tool for outlining: Scrivener

Scrivener is a popular writing program among writers because it’s so versatile. It allows you to create and outline your writing project using any method you prefer, whether that’s traditional outlining or mind mapping. You can also easily track your progress and set writing goals. Plus, it’s available on both Mac and PC.


- Cross-platform

- Helps writing be more productive


- Doesn’t have writing tools to help with the writing process or editing and proofreading steps of the writing process. It’s also a program you need to learn how to use before it can become an asset in your writing toolbox, which might make it difficult for some writers.

Best 2022 writing tool for writing: Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing program out there and for good reason- it’s easy to use and has all the features you need to write a great document. It also comes with built-in spell check and grammar check. Plus, it’s cross-platform so you can use it on any device.


- Easy to use

- Popular writing tool among writers


- Doesn’t help writing be more productive. In fact, it can sometimes slow you down since there are so many features included that might not necessarily make writing easier for a writer who doesn’t need them.

Best 2022 writing tool for editing: Grammarly

Grammarly is a great editing tool because it does more than just find spelling and grammar mistakes. It also analyzes your writing to help you improve your style. Plus, it works with almost every writing tool, including Microsoft Word.


- Helps writing be more productive

- Has writing tools to help with the writing process and editing and proofreading steps of the writing process. It’s also a program you learn how to use in a very short amount of time, which makes it something every writer should have in their toolbox.


- You need to learn how to use it before you can really take advantage of its best features, which might make the program difficult for some writers. In addition, since Grammarly is mostly web-based and not an app, you won’t be able to access it offline.

Best 2022 writing tool for proofreading: Grammarly (again)

Grammarly is also a great proofreading tool because it can find both spelling and grammar mistakes as well as structural problems that are hard to spot on your own. Plus, you have the option of using its desktop program for proofreading, which makes it easy to catch all writing mistakes.


- Helps writing be more productive

- Has writing tools to help with the writing process and editing and proofreading steps of the writing process. It’s also a program you learn how to use in a very short amount of time, which makes it something every writer should have in their toolbox.


- You need to learn how to use it before you can really take advantage of its best features

Best 2022 writing tool for writing research papers: Zotero

Zotero is a popular writing tool among college and graduate students because it’s great at helping with the research process. It easily organizes your sources and allows you to add notes about each source while creating bibliographies in any style you need. It’s also available on Mac, PC, and Linux.


- Helps writing be more productive

- Has writing tools to help with the writing process and editing and proofreading steps of the writing process. It’s also a program you learn how to use in a very short amount of time, which makes it something every writer should have in their toolbox.


- You need to learn how to use it before you can really take advantage of its best features. In addition, Zotero is a desktop program and not an app, so you won’t be able to access it offline.

Best 2022 writing tool for staying motivated: Writemo

Writemo is a writing tool that helps you stay motivated and on track while writing. It has a goal-setting tool to help you set and achieve writing targets.


- Helps you write more often, a key writing habit you need to develop if writing is going to be a part of your life.

- Helps you see your writing skills develop over time


- You can’t use it offline

Best 2022 writing tool for sharing your work: Discord

Discord is a writing tool that’s also great for writers who want to share their writing with others. It works on Mac, PC, and Linux as well as other devices like phones or tablets while allowing multiple users in the same chat room.


- Helps writing be more productive

- Has writing tools to help with the writing process and editing and proofreading steps of the writing process. It’s also a program you learn how to use in a very short amount of time, which makes it something every writer should have in their toolbox.

- Allows you share your writing with others while getting feedback from other writers on Discord that can help improve your writing skills over time.


- You need to be online to use it. In addition, Discord is not a writing tool that’s specifically designed for writers, so some of its features might be confusing or difficult to use.


Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions we’ve seen about writing tools.

Q: What are the best writing tools of 2022?

A: The best writing tools of 2022 are Grammarly, Zotero, Writemo, and Discord.

Q: What is the writing process?

A: The writing process refers to the steps a writer takes to produce a piece of writing. It usually includes brainstorming or coming up with ideas, drafting or writing the piece, editing and proofreading it for mistakes, and publishing or sharing it with others.

Q: What are the pros and cons of writing tools?

A: The pros and cons of writing tools vary depending on the specific tool. However, common pros include helping writing be more productive and helping writers improve their writing skills over time. Common cons include needing to learn how to use the tool before writing can really be more productive and writing tools being only available on a specific operating system.

Q: What is the best writing tool for writers who want to share their work?

A: Writers who want to share their writing with others while getting feedback from other writers should use Discord, which allows multiple users in the same chat room at once.

The bottom line: what writing tools are the best in 2022?

The best writing tools of 2022 vary depending on what you’re looking for as a writer. However, all writers should have Grammarly, Zotero, Writemo, and Discord in their writing toolbox to help with the writing process and improve their writing skills over time.

If you’re writing to learn, Grammarly is the best writing tool for you. If writing motivates you as a writer, Writemo is your go-to writing tool. And if sharing and getting feedback on your writing matters most to you, Discord should be at the top of your list of writing tools in 2022.

No matter what tool you choose, writing will be more productive and enjoyable than ever before.