3 min read

Tips for creating a truly great blog post

A blog post is a special form of writing for the internet. It must be short, to-the-point, and easy for readers to digest quickly so they…
Tips for creating a truly great blog post
Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash

A blog post is a special form of writing for the internet. It must be short, to-the-point, and easy for readers to digest quickly so they can enjoy other parts of your blog or website. In this article, we’ll go over writing blog posts that readers will love, and search engines will appreciate.

Be concise!

Shorter is better than longer when it comes to writing blog posts. Longer posts can be great too if they’re based on a series of short entries you post regularly (think an ongoing story or adventures) Make sure your writing style matches the audience you want to reach. Writing in a formal tone? Use big words and avoid slang as much as possible, but don’t feel like you have to dumb things down either. A conversational tone can work well too so long as both tone and vocabulary match those of your desired audience.

Use images

One way to write a great post is writing something that convinces the reader not only with words but also with images. A lot of people read stories on their smartphones, which are much smaller than computers screens, so an image along with text will make it easier for them to understand what you’re saying.

Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

Plan your keywords

And don’t forget about keywords! People search online using all sorts of phrases related to topics they want information on. Make sure your content reflects this by including relevant terms in your writing where appropriate (not too frequently though). Using keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you write your blog posts and give them a better chance of ranking on search engines.

Make author information accessible

Include who is writing the post! Your readers want to know more about you, so consider including an author bio with facts such as where you’re from, what inspires you, and any other interesting facts that people will find intriguing or useful for their own blogs too. You can also add some photos here if it feels relevant.

Mind the length

Another great tip while writing a blog post is to keep in mind how long each paragraph should be. People skim-read online, especially on mobile phones, so make sure every sentence has enough impact and value before moving on to another one. Don’t waste words writing unimportant phrases — save time by getting straight to the point.

Write with an engaging style

Remember to keep your writing style conversational and engaging, which will make readers want to come back for more! This means avoiding clichés and writing in a way that is interesting, informative, and entertaining.

Make it easy for readers to follow you on their favorite social networks by including icons or links to your accounts. This way, they can easily share your posts with friends and followers. As an added bonus, this also allows people who may not have found your blog yet to discover you through other channels.


Last but not least: always proofread your work before hitting publish! Typos make you look unprofessional and can be very distracting for readers. Spellcheck won’t catch all mistakes, so take the time to read over your post a few times (or ask someone else to do it for you).

The bottom line

Writing a blog post is easy, writing one that people will actually want to read isn’t. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to writing amazing content in no time!


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