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Twitter vs. Snapchat — Which is a Better Place to Share Your Writing? (Updated 2023 Guide)

Twitter vs. Snapchat — Which is a Better Place to Share Your Writing? (Updated 2023 Guide)
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Social media has become an essential tool for writers to promote their work and engage with their audience. With the rise of new platforms, it can be difficult to choose the best one to share your writing on. In this article, we’ll be comparing two popular social media platforms, Twitter and Snapchat, and exploring which one is a better place for writers to share their work.


Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that has been around since 2006 and is known for its short-form content, where users can share their thoughts, opinions, and updates in a 280-character limit. Twitter is a great place for writers to share their writing as it allows them to reach a wide audience, interact with other writers, and promote their work.


  • Wide reach: Twitter has a massive user base of over 330 million active users, which makes it an excellent platform to reach a large audience.
  • Interaction: Twitter allows writers to engage with their followers and other writers by responding to tweets, retweeting, and using hashtags.
  • Promoting work: Twitter is a great platform for writers to promote their work, as they can share links to their articles, books, and other writing pieces.


  • Limited character count: Twitter’s 280-character limit can be limiting for writers who want to share longer pieces of writing.
  • Noise: With so many users, it can be difficult for writers to stand out and get their work noticed.


Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app that has been around since 2011 and is known for its ephemeral content, where messages, photos, and videos disappear after being viewed. Snapchat may not be the first platform that comes to mind for writers, but it can still be a valuable tool for promoting your work.


  • Engaging audience: Snapchat has a younger user base, which can be an excellent opportunity for writers to reach a new and engaged audience.
  • Unique content: Snapchat’s ephemeral content feature allows writers to create unique and creative content that sets them apart from other platforms.
  • Interactive features: Snapchat offers a variety of interactive features, such as filters and lenses, that can add a fun and playful aspect to a writer’s content.


  • Limited audience: Snapchat has a smaller user base compared to Twitter, which means that writers may not reach as wide an audience as they would on other platforms.
  • Short lifespan: Snapchat’s ephemeral content feature can be both a pro and a con, as it can limit the lifespan of a writer’s content and make it harder for others to discover and share their work.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, both Twitter and Snapchat have their strengths and weaknesses, and the best platform for writers will depend on their specific needs and goals. Twitter is a great platform for writers who want to reach a wide audience and promote their work, while Snapchat is a valuable tool for writers who want to reach a younger and more engaged audience and create unique and interactive content.

Regardless of which platform a writer chooses, the most important thing is to engage with their audience and continue to produce high-quality writing. Happy writing!