2 min read

What do Writers do in their Free Time?

As writers, our minds are always buzzing with creativity and ideas, even when we’re not at our desks. So, what do we do with all that extra…
What do Writers do in their Free Time?
Photo by Tony Tran on Unsplash

As writers, our minds are always buzzing with creativity and ideas, even when we’re not at our desks. So, what do we do with all that extra time and energy when we’re not writing? Here are a few of the many activities that writers enjoy in their free time.


One of the most common things that writers do in their free time is reading. Whether it’s a good old-fashioned physical book, an e-book, or even an audiobook, reading is a great way for writers to relax and recharge. Not only does it give us a break from our own writing, but it also allows us to see what other writers are doing and gain new inspiration for our own work.


Many writers love to travel, both for the adventure and the inspiration. Visiting new places, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures can all provide us with new ideas for our writing. Traveling also gives us a chance to see the world with fresh eyes and to look at familiar things in new ways.

Pursuing Hobbies

In addition to reading and traveling, many writers have other hobbies that they enjoy in their free time. For example, some writers might be passionate about photography, while others might enjoy playing music or crafting. Hobbies are a great way to take a break from writing and to do something that is completely different from what we do every day.

Spending Time with Family and Friends

Of course, many writers also love spending time with their loved ones. Whether it’s hanging out with friends, spending time with our children, or just relaxing with our partners, spending time with the people we care about is an important part of our lives. And, just like with our other hobbies and interests, spending time with the people we love can also provide us with new ideas and inspiration for our writing.


Finally, many writers enjoy volunteering in their free time. Whether it’s working with a local non-profit organization, volunteering at a community center, or helping out at a local animal shelter, volunteering is a great way for writers to give back to their communities. It’s also a great way to meet new people and gain new perspectives on the world.


As you can see, writers have a lot of different things that they enjoy doing in their free time. Whether it’s reading, traveling, pursuing hobbies, spending time with family and friends, or volunteering, there are many different ways that writers can recharge and find inspiration. So, if you’re looking for something new to do in your free time, consider one of these activities and see where it takes you!