2 min read

Why do some writers never give up? (and how they become invincible)

Why do some writers never give up? (and how they become invincible)
Photo by Abdullah Alam on Unsplash

Writing is a challenging and rewarding pursuit, but it can also be a frustrating and disheartening one. Many writers struggle with rejection, self-doubt, and the constant pressure to produce new and interesting content. Despite these challenges, some writers seem to have an unshakable determination to keep going, no matter what obstacles they face.

So what sets these writers apart from those who give up? What drives them to persist in the face of adversity? There are a few key factors that contribute to a writer’s resilience and determination.

Passion for the craft

One of the most important reasons that some writers never give up is their deep love and passion for the craft of writing. These writers are driven by a burning desire to create, to tell stories, to explore the world through words. They are not motivated by fame or fortune, but by the simple joy of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). They know that writing is not just a job, but a calling, and they are willing to work hard and overcome obstacles to fulfill that calling.

A sense of purpose

Another key factor that keeps some writers going is a sense of purpose or mission. These writers know why they write, and they are driven by a clear and compelling goal. They may want to tell a specific story, explore a particular theme, or change the world in some way. They understand that their writing has the power to make a difference, and they are determined to use that power to achieve their goals.

A willingness to learn and grow

Many writers who never give up are also those who are always seeking to learn and grow as writers. They understand that writing is a lifelong journey, and that there is always room for improvement. They are open to feedback and criticism, and they are willing to experiment and take risks in their writing. They understand that failure is a necessary part of the learning process, and they are not afraid to make mistakes or try new things.

A strong support system

Finally, many writers who never give up have a strong support system in place. They have friends, family, or mentors who believe in them and support them in their writing journey. They have a community of fellow writers who understand the struggles and triumphs of the writing life. They have a network of beta readers, editors, and agents who provide feedback and guidance. Having this support system in place can make all the difference when it comes to persevering through the tough times.

In conclusion, writing is a challenging and rewarding pursuit, but some writers seem to have an unshakable determination to keep going, no matter what obstacles they face. These writers are driven by a deep love and passion for the craft, a sense of purpose and mission, a willingness to learn and grow, and a strong support system. By understanding these key factors, we can all strive to develop the resilience and determination needed to pursue our writing dreams.