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Writers, practice some self-care before setting your 2022 goals

When you’re a writer, it’s nice to have some aspirations for the New Year. For example, you might want to increase your writing…
Writers, practice some self-care before setting your 2022 goals
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

When you’re a writer, it’s nice to have some aspirations for the New Year. For example, you might want to increase your writing productivity or expand the number of writing genres you tackle. But before planning for any major changes in 2022, it’s important to practice self-care in 2021.

Let’s look at some reasons why.

Why writers should set goals at the start of every year

As an active writer, you know it is important to set goals for yourself. Using both long-term and short-term goals can help improve your writing skills. It adds excitement to your journey as a writer, fueling your motivation.

Some examples of goals that a writer might set for themselves include:

· Writing one book a year

· Finishing a project while it’s still in your head, so you don’t forget about it

· Keeping track of how many words you’ve written on which projects

· Going to writing conferences to expand your network and knowledge base

What is self-care?

Self-care means practicing self-love and care. It’s something that every human being should do because it allows us to understand our boundaries and triggers. It helps clear our minds and focus on what’s truly important.

Some ways in which you can practice self-care include:

· Getting enough sleep at night

· Practicing yoga or meditation in the morning before getting out of bed

· Setting aside time for blogging so it doesn’t become overwhelming

I encourage you to do more reading on this subject! It’s important to practice self-care so you can better prepare for planning effective long-term goals. If you’ve been allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by the daily stressors in life, it might be time to start practicing self-care again.

Why should you practice self-care before setting your 2022 writing goals?

Now that we know why it’s important to set goals, how does this affect our goals in 2022? I’ll break it down into two scenarios:

Scenario one: If you’re a writer who’s never practiced self-care, it’s probably best to start in 2021 and then set your goals. You might be feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, and if that is the case then congratulations! You’ve found your motivation for practicing self-care. Once you’ve successfully managed to make the jump to taking care of your own mental health, you’ll have the self-awareness and confidence that you need to go into that New Year with a clear mind.

Scenario two: If you’re a writer who already practices self-care (good for you!), then you might already be aware of your triggers and what sets off your stress. You might be too anxious to set goals for yourself, or you might feel exhausted just thinking about the New Year. If this is your case, it’s best to stop and take a step back before setting any goals. Reflect on the past year, assess how things are going now, and think about what you really want in 2021. Once you’re clear on your thoughts, then go ahead and set some goals for yourself.

Of course, there are other possibilities in between the two scenarios that I’ve listed. The most important thing is to always practice self-care before setting any goal because it helps you stay positive and focused throughout the New Year.

Have a happy New Year, everyone!