3 min read

Writers who make money think differently than amateurs. Here’s how to copy their mindset.

If you want to make money as a writer, it’s not enough to just write. You need to think like a pro. Pro writers have a different mindset…
Writers who make money think differently than amateurs. Here’s how to copy their mindset.
Photo by Pietro Rampazzo on Unsplash

If you want to make money as a writer, it’s not enough to just write. You need to think like a pro. Pro writers have a different mindset when it comes to writing. A pro writer understands that writing is a skill. They know that it takes time and practice to improve your skills. Amateur writers often give up too easily because they don’t take the time to learn the basics of writing, or because they’re not willing to put in the hard work required to improve their skills.

In this article, we’ll look at how to transform your mindset, so that you can become a pro writer. We’ll do this by looking at ways pro writers think differently than amateurs.

Pro writers are tenacious.

They don’t get discouraged easily — they know that it takes time and practice to become a good writer. And they’re willing to put in the hard work required to improve their skills.

Amateur writers often give up too easily. They worry that they don’t have what it takes to be a good writer, and they’re unwilling to put in the hard work required to improve their skills.

Pro writers know that the journey is more important than the outcome.

They understand that writing is not about living up to some impossible standard. They know that making money as a writer takes time and practice. And they’re willing to put in the hard work required to improve their skills.

Amateur writers often make writing out to be much harder than it is. They worry that they don’t have what it takes to be a good writer, and they’re unwilling to put in the hard work required to improve their skills.

Pro writers understand that writing is a process not an art form.

They pay attention to their writing process because they know that this will help them improve their writing.

Amateur writers think that if they’re not good at the beginning, then they’ll never be good. They don’t pay attention to how or why they write. And this is one of the reasons why it takes them a long time to improve their skills.

Pro writers know that writing happens in steps.

You can’t expect to be a good writer after reading just one article. That’s like saying that you’re going to be an Olympic gold medalist after watching a training video. Do you know how lazy gold medalists are? Not very! They spend years and years practicing for this one day — and they don’t win the gold on their first try.

Amateur writers often think that they need to read one book or article, and suddenly their writing will improve. But if you really want to improve your writing, then you need to put in the work required to do this. That means reading and applying what you learn — not just skimming through several articles looking for a quick fix.

Pro writers have taken the time to learn the basics of writing.

Amateur writers don’t take the time to learn the basics of writing, and it shows in their work. They also tend to think that you need some sort of natural talent to be a good writer — which isn’t true at all. We’re not born with writing talent. Everything that we do well, we’ve had to learn through practice and effort.


Make a conscious decision to think like a pro.

You’ll get better at anything that you do if you’re willing to put in the hard work required to improve your skills. And writing is no exception.

If you want to be a good writer, then follow the example set by successful writers — and don’t give up too easily!

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